Why no community council on EU forums?

I wonder, was it me not understanding or were you crap at explaining?
One of those things are true or probably both.

However, I don’t need to understand how Community Council works, I don’t care and I don’t believe in Community Council because they have forums (and other means) for feedback in all regions and yet they need to pick “special snowflakes”.

Why? What the f are forums for???

It rather looks like they want feedback from someone they consider “worthy” because that way they will think that feedback is delivered on silver plate and they don’t have to do research that they should be doing, which means they literally ignore everyone else in community and then serve that crap to same players how these people in Council represent whole WoW community.

There should be no Community Council and there should be no encouragement to have “special” people in council because we all play the same game and every voice should matter but obviously it doesn’t.

Sure, everyone could apply to it, but yet, they still make the choice, which probably means that they also make a choice to not read forums which are essentially meant for discussion they are advertising in that link which you have provided.

Oh gee whiz, live chat with WoW developers. I remember days when they were involved on forums. Now they aren’t at all.

That is what I have problem with.
Community Council is just a thing that happens to piss me extra off.
And this is why I just log to level alts and catch up with story.

Why when I have already 60 level character and main account in Europe?

Because that is the requirement to post on the US forums. Have a US account at level 10 or above. The same for US players if they wished to post on EU forums.

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If they wished to post on EU forums but they don’t because nothing happens on EU forums. So they don’t even have to bother with anything.

So just to understand what you’re saying … there are more steps for EU members to be able to take part in the US forums, than US players. But when you said it was 20 steps … you made that up?

And they don’t NEED to know any workaround. They already said that, if you’re invited to take part, you will be sent an email giving you a step by step guide. Pretty sure there won’t be 20 steps in it, though.

I’m certainly not saying that I like the way it has been set up, but I’m also saying that, for part of it at least, I do understand WHY they’ve done it that way. And I’m also not making stuff up or ignoring facts, just to support my case.

I think, Feltwist, that although it isn’t ideal, you’re making more out of it than there needs to be. I’m assuming you’re not part of the Council, and haven’t been invited to it. So therefore it makes absolutely no difference to you.

The theory behind the council is that, instead of Blizzard trawling through thousands of posts similar to yours, where it’s just complaining for complaining’s sake, rather than offering constructive alteratives, they’ve asked people who are measured and able to put forward a good argument, from ALL areas of WoW (in theory … I’ve not seen anyone shouting up for guilds or *realm populations yet) to take part, so instead of many hundreds of posts about one topic, they might only have one or two, which are supposedly representative of all the rest of us. Like a normal Council works.

*edit - just checked again, and there is one post relating to low realm population

You just seem to be lashing out and agitated at this point.

Just a heads up, masking swearing is the same as swearing and breaks the rules. You might want to edit your post.

I do not disagree with the sentiment that they should just use the feedback given in the forums (and elsewhere), that a special selection of posters from volunteers shouldn’t be needed. However I also think it can’t make things any worse at this point. I just hope they’ve chosen a wide range of types of players.


Yeah, but did you read Puny’s post or just want someone to rant at?


i’ve read all of puny posts over the years and i stand by my statement that puny is and always have been a blizzard shill

Well no they clearly don’t read my posts, but I’m always going to be a target, I knew that when I accepted the offer to become an MVP. People just see green text and it seems to do something. I saw it happen to the other MVPs when I still posted in white text.

Some people just ignore every post that expresses my dislike or criticism of the game. Others don’t understand that sometimes I’m just explaining rules/how something works within WoW gets misconstrued into you support x or y. I find it bizarre.


i tell you why …
they racsist americans they only care what other americans has to say …
who care what EU wants :crying_cat_face:

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You could have applied to become a member, the applications were open to all. You do not have to be a US player.

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Why are there EU members on it if they dont care? :thinking:


the same reason the council exist in the first place PR …

Will do! :+1:t2:


I can always rely on you :stuck_out_tongue:


so long we get red eye colors to all elven races does not mather who they are :stuck_out_tongue:

Cause i have seen kretias posts on the eu forums?


What do you mean? Kretías is a sparkling rainbow and sunshine poster that never says anything remotely negative about the game :no_mouth:


And what kretias write,anything bad about game,show me… or Yes Blizzz things,game is great, we dont need nothing to change.

They are chosen in so called Council cuz of that they dont represent me and they are shame of wow community


@ the 3 posters above me

I do recognise that name, he/she played/plays rogue? I wonder if I debated him/her long long time ago regarding the EU and RU merge to meet in BGs gigathread back in the days.