Why no community council on EU forums?

Yes, all the greens will belong to Goldshire, sooner or later, this way… or that way. :stuck_out_tongue:

…and now it’s your turn to join that club :wink:

It’s part of that line of work, you know it and so do I!

Oh wait… we went too offtopic.
Fun’s over! :frowning:

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Plays rogue yes and are not at all a blizzard shill in my experience at least. Not gonna dig up their posting history to make a point though, if someone wants to believe everyone on the council is a blizz shill i’m not gonna ruin that for them :stuck_out_tongue:

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Sure they are yes-man’s just look their response about 9.1.5, almost every post praising the patch, saying how fun it is, etc… 0 mention of all the players that unsubbed or became bored/are taking a break, 0 mention of all the players that left for other games.

They don’t need to tell blizzard how many player left. They have the numbers. And 9.1.5 is a good patch so not sure why they would say the opposite.

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I feel misrepresented I have to say.

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