They already use wards which are reskins of totems and other spells. Also totemic falls abit flat because its whole identity is “more totems”, but that is also the problem because the class’s identity is “totems”.
It is the same reason that packleader hunter was not based around pets, but they somehow gave the shaman the totemic hero spec.
Nah, enh apart from the experiment from legion/bfa was always a battlemage.
The whole concept is that we use the same spells as elemental, with the difference that they are casters, while we are weaving them in melee. It’s the only “battlemage” spec wow has.
I feel totems are a bit of an out of date mechanic. I.e. restricted areas, people can walk out of them, they take a global.
Other classes can do that without that hassle.
Yeah i seen what youre saying about battle mage but in my head at least i seen enhance as exactly that. Enhancing melee abilities/strikes with the elementals.
I have always thought that the elements could have different ways to enhance.
Lightning - aoe and high damage strikes, big crits, cleave.
Air and wind - Increased movement and interrupts, multistrike.
Fire and lava - Aoe spread, dots, healing reduction.
Water - Healing and cleansing
Frost - Slows and control
Earth - knockbacks, aoe, defensives and armour.
Elemental blast could be elemental strike and cycle through benefits, kinda similar to how that new ret ability combo ability words.
There was abilities that was in plunderstorm that i was sure would make its way to shammys. fire Whirl for enhance, searing axe, slicing winds, storm archon, windstorm etc
Can still be a melee class but enhanced with elements. It really would be unique.
Totems could be proc drops too, i.e. when you use storm strike it drops windfury.
Tbf they are trying that with totemic, and I kind of dig it.
This is more of a “potential” problem. Depends what the totems do.
If the totem is a slow aura, sure it sucks. But the root totem potentially is better than mass roots. Depending on the effect of the totem, they can shine or just suck.
They tried that in legion/bfa.
They went back to the “classic” model in SL, because of feedback of enh having lost its identity and being a “reskin” of fury.
Tbh, warrior are “enhancing” their abilities with fire/lightning, frost dks do that with frost, paladin with holy/fire.
I do not think blizz will go back to the legion enh, and I see why. Having played it through bfa by the end it was pretty devoid of any depth.