Why not wotlk remix?

wotlk :yawning_face:

if a new remix arrives, it would be legion, or maybe bfa, the others I don’t really see the interest

WotLK questing is horrible, not to mention the dungeons and raids are not time-running friendly.

No ty. Anything after Pandaria, sure.

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:dracthyr_tea: Shadowlands Remix

As it is, BC-WLK remix would be relatively pointless since we have (had) Classic.

BC is reasonably hard (at least you need gear and five brain cells) but WLK was certainly accessible as well.

It makes sense for more recent expansions since dungeons require Chromie time and raids are essentially impossible. And weird anyway.

I’m not satisfied with the Remix concept in retrospect.

First, with the extra powers it’s too easy even for the average player.
Second, alts are locked to the newest expansion afterwards, due to Chromie config.
Third, collections are not usable in Classic. Mogs, mounts, pets, toys, nada.

I’d like WOTKL remix (and TBC remix, Cata even) because I didn’t play them, and I like the dungeons/raids.
I don’t want WOD/Legion/BFA/SL remix bc I found the dungeons highly unenjoyable. I still find them highly unenjoyable. I will forever find them highly unenjoyable.

Would I like an easier way to obtain invincible or Mimiron’s head? Yes. Would I play WOTKL remix without them? Also yes.

I’d love WoD remix next.


I would LOVE Wrath Remix

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I disagree.
The mage tower played a very different, and more prominent, part in Legion’s endgame than the challenge thingy did.

:)))) i have 1000+ mounts, i got invincible 10 yeast ago

i need to be able to farm or obtain black proto drake or the argent crusade or old amani bear raid mount hopefully
and a long shot for being able to farm zul gurub old raid instance for zulian tiger and raptor (10 mil gold each is too much for me from bmah)

so yea, i need mounts but no invincible

Classic remix with sod talents would be fun.

I second that. I feel WoD left a sour after taste because of the Garrison’s failure and lack of patches. They sacrificed it for Legion. Otherwise it had a strong theme and felt very Warcraft (unlike SL for example).

Mind you my orc bias is likely kicking in here. So many tmogs from WoD all feel like an extension or Orc heritage armour hehe.

OP as for a WotLK one… Don’t get me wrong I loved it when it was live and there’s some pretty strong themes and aesthetic items to gather. They just starting to look a little dated by today’s standards.

If they do a WotLK remix, and get the artists to remake some some of those tier sets like they just did with tier 2 (Sanctified Scourgelord and Darkruned Plate I’m looking at you my precious), I’LL BE THERE.


Wotlk sounds cool but i ask myself a few questions.

Raids: in Wotlk 10 man was the easy mode and 25 the hard one with different loot tables too, in MoP remix from Mogu to ToT was 10 man only and SoO having normal,Heroic on flex and mythic 20 man.

No LFR, meaning that people that dont like to use manual LFG they have only 2 choices: waiting to be enough powerful to solo them or making an exeption.

Wintergraps: In MoP remix there was no pvp at all, so how can this zone be used for remix?

Honey it’s not 2008 anymore, get over it. Move on.

You are wrong in MoP there was 10 and 25man throughout the expansion , mythic came in pre patch to WoD also there was prior to that “flex” mode also LFR.

There was no MoP pvp because it would have been hard to balance with gems and such like.

In MoP remix you cold only do those raids in 10 man only there was no 25 variant for what i remember, ence my question.

the same goes for my question about Wintergraps, if there is no pvp how can this zone be used?

There was lfr, normal, heroic, both 10 and 25 man, soo also had mythic mode.

Weird because im sure that if you used LFG you could run the raids in 10 man only, i rember when i was looking for example there was only Mogu on 10 normal and heroic.

Because it was easier to put 10 than 25 man, both version gave same amount of threads. Also if you were saved 25 man, you cant go to 10 man.

That is true, there where the “tour” groups that would do Mogu, ToT and then HoF because there where easy compared to ToT

WotLK would have to be a remix alongside TBC and Vanilla as it completely lacks the variety in drops compared to MoP that offered different Recolours off each difficulty.