Why people wait so eagerly to 9.1.5?

Like legion, SL is Legion in someway but ye AP grind isnt the same it seems.

Honestly, your list looks so big, but after going through it, my end result is: I will do mage tower a couple of times and perhaps level one or two alts. Meh.

ROFL. It absolutely is not.

How is it pvps funeral? Because you wonā€™t be able to roflstomp lower cr players more easily?


Basically, what you are saying is that if we exclude Mage tower and Legion M+, then we got ourselfs an almost great proper polished version of Shadowlands 9.0 = weā€™re out of BETA.

I am saying ā€œalmost greatā€ because I still think ALTing is gated, and if you do all the quests, systems on the MAIN, you should have them unlocked on any alt. ALL except GEAR. So you can CHOOSE to play your ALT for the actual GAMEPLAY that you love, and that might be M+, Raid, Arena, RBG gearing.


Once 9.1.5 comes out people will see that Shadowlands is still fundamentally flawed because the systems mostly just arenā€™t FUN. And theyā€™re not fun because of other reasons than those that are being fixed in 9.1.5. I mean sure; for some people they are CONTRIBUTING factors, sure. But theyā€™re not fixing the systems in a fundamental way that makes them fun. Nope.

Now, why am I waiting for that patch? Because it moves us one step closer to Shadowlands being over.

Iā€™m waiting to be able to start playing more of my alts without doing the same grind Iā€™ve already done on two characters, along with a lot of QoL changes for my main too, and to play different covenants with different specs becuase they just feel a ton better to play, and to try the covenants I havenā€™t tried on my main and main alt because of the restrictionsā€¦ thereā€™s actually a lot of stuff that will expand my gameplay quite a bit.

Complaining that thereā€™s not new content in this patch is like getting a bunch of new TV channels and an option to rewatch what youā€™re missed, and then still complaining that your TV is still just a TV.

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You clearly havenā€™t read my list if thatā€™s your summary.

It is, if you stop to think for a moment, instead of just hating on everything by default.

Iā€™ve heard this BS so many times before, yet, here I am, having switched mains 3 times in SL so far, and catching up with my former progress in two weeks tops every single time. As a filthy casual. Itā€™s so very bad, yes, yes.

How is the removal of conduit energy, free covenant change, anima transfer, farmable redeemed souls, soul ash and soul cinders, the reworking of the AoE cap, 100% legendary power drop rate from every source, and the introduction of a number of skips not fixing systems? o.O

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most wont even do mage tower few times if they introduced it as scalled content

waht people tend to forget that vast majority didnt even otuch mage tower untill 2 last weeks of expansion when their artifacts got fully upgraded and they could overpower everything.

if its scalled like chalenge modes it will be not diable for 99% of playerbase :wink:

i already cant wait for cries on forums :slight_smile:

its just pathetic excuse of content - people will enjoy new FF expansion not this garbage

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Because none of those things make ā€˜covenantsā€™ a fun system. None of those make Torghast fun. None of that makes me want to play more as a non ā€˜big 3ā€™ player.
That type of player is horribly neglected. Again.

Then quit, itā€™s better for your health.

And what kind of player is this? What kind of player is the one that says ā€œno sorry i donā€™t like any of your content but i still want to play just to complain?ā€
Maybe this player should play something else, donā€™t you think?


It makes them non-annoying, though.

Thatā€™s fine, not every part of the game has to be fun for everyone. Personally, I loved Torghast from the beginning, and itā€™s been getting better each patch. Canā€™t wait to level alts through it.

On the other hand, others in similar shoes are quite excited, because with the free covenant swap and the anima transfers, they no longer have to level 4 characters to play all covenants and collect stuff, they can do so on one. They can farm redeemed souls when they switch, without being gated. They can get offerings from callings, without doing the conductor stuff. They can catch up on alts easier, 'cos they can farm soul ash & cinders as much as they need.

Maybe you should mind your own business.
Maybe you donā€™t get to tell me what to do.
Maybe world content is the best content in the game and the most true to the MMORPG genre and so MAYBE world content deserves better. MAYBE world content deserves to be a 4th endgame pillar and have proper seperate progression.



They arenā€™t really fixes, so itā€™s not making the systems good, but definitelly less bad, less annoying, and itā€™s certainly going to make the game overall more fun for an awful lot of people. To make them good, theyā€™d need to revamp them completely.

Assuming they wanted covenants and Torghast to exist as they do more or less, whether itā€™s good or not, this is how they should have launched to begin with.

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9.1.5 wonā€™t change anything in general, its just bring some fixes thats should be done on BETA. Also there is some ā€œcontentā€ who still want to play this game. But IMO this wonā€™t bring back a lot of players who already quit.

Maybe you donā€™t get to tell others to mind their own business as itā€™s exactly telling others what to do.
Maybe you shoulnā€™t consider yourself the arbiter of what is good and bad in the game.
Maybe world content is a just a time filler added for times where the actual content that the game has been built on since vanilla isnā€™t doable or got old.

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Thatā€™s not good enough.
If you find it acceptable that content is just ā€˜non-annoyingā€™ then Blizzard have really did a number on its playerbase.

Sure. But as a non ā€˜big 3ā€™ player, I would love for non big 3 content to be fun for me.
For obvious reasons.

I have been doing that on one character since the start. Itā€™s perfectly possible.
And sure itā€™s nice that I can use all the different cosmetic stuff Iā€™ve earned now, thatā€™s true.

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To make World Content 4th endgame they would need an entire revamp (which I am not opposed to).

Because in its current state everything is so trivial that there is no point in putting rewards there.

But for sure I would not mind a ā€œsoloishā€ path that letā€™s you gear up.
I thought they were going to do it after putting 470 gear into those joke of visions.

Guess I was wrong

I donā€™t want anything like visions ever again. They were horrible.

I have played 3 ā€œmainsā€ myself, /played a total of 50 days from launch till 29 June.
My problems are:

  • that /played on my ALTs involved wasting a great amount of time doing stuff that Iā€™ve already cleared on the MAIN, NOT actually enjoying the endgame GAMEPLAY (raid or M+ or arena (my case));
  • half of that /played time involved me looking at the LFG tool just to be able to queue for 2s
  • most important one I leveled 9 60ā€™s but just played 2 ALTs altough I wanted to actually play all my 24 ALTs

I get your point, is not BAD, but it can be infinite better.

Think of it this way, yes it is a long shoot, but this is how I feel: It is like you go to Disney World and you complete all the rides and you enjoy only 2 of them, but in order to enjoy only those 2 you need to ride all the rest every time :confused:

I said that Torghast should have leveling inside from the release of the xpac. I love Torghast when I have a reason to do it. Soul ash is a MEH reason, but ā€¦ well :confused:

BTW, Twisted Corridors layer ā€œ10ā€ with a 250ilvl reward ā€¦ should be ok, for a 2h run per week, woudnā€™t it ?

For an RPer its a nice patch, especially for those that main allied races because more customization.

The QoL additions around SLā€™s systems are welcome but the SL systems themselves are still not fun to engage with so Iā€™m a bit more skeptical on 9.1.5 for actual playable content

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