Pretty big fixes, though. Conduit energy removal, free covenant swaps, skips, instant 40 renown - small things on paper, but oh so good in practice.
Mmm, yes, the AoE cap redesign is trivial indeed. Anima transfer between alts and covenants is surely trivial too. Legion timewalking (an oft requested thing, mind you), and Legion M+ on top is trivial too, Iām sure.
It will bring some back, yes. I know at least a handful who are planning to come back for 9.1.5, because it has fixes and QoL improvements for exactly the things they had problems with.
Friends who wanted to collect transmogs, see the covenant campaigns, they quit halfway into 9.0, because anima was in short supply, offerings were a pain to gather, and switching covenants was also a royal pain. They started with 4 characters of each armor type, and just burned out.
Now, come 9.1.5, theyāll be fine with 1 character of each armor type, anima is no issue (thanks Korthia!), offerings can be passively collected via callings, they can freely switch covenants, and upgrade them all without any gating at all. They love 9.1.5, because it has everything they wanted. Not just easier to collect the things they want, but relaxing the covenant transmog restrictions are a great boon, too.
You see, transmogs and pets are the true endgame: you donāt need to re-farm them each season, they last forever. Donāt underestimate the collectors, nor those who arenāt into high-end competitive gameplay, for they are the majority.