I am one of those who says these changes are fixes for beta issues. Sure, you got a time gated renown system that includes the stoeyline aswel, I kind of get that for the first character. But 2 months after release and the gated story ends, you should be able to have all those unlocked on ALT’s.
I even can get it that you have to do it for every covenant. BUT after that, what the hell is the purpuse of having to do that all over, in 2021 ?
In 15years I’ve stayed subbed for longer periods pre BFA, when there weren’t that many issues for ALTs.
For those that don’t play ALTs, I guess BIS gear should be their reward until the next big contante patch.
I feel this will be also the case.
In Legion there was soemthing new, so we kind of went with the flow. It had endless farming AP, was ALT and OffSpec unfriendly, and people complained, but as a general ideea the system was new and we kind of got it.
BUT BFA, man did I took a 1year brake 1 month after launch. And we finally got a final version of BFA “8.0” in 8.2.
SL aswell, I kind of enjoyed the renown, for my main, since it was fixed, non-infinite grindable, but it was burning my soul on ALTs. The second I’ve seen 40 more renown added, I’ve uninstalled the game on July 1st, 2 days after 9.1.
Blizzard should learn to trust their game and don’t focus business selling sht inside a game. The MAU can be hold UP even without gating the sht out of it, like in candy crush (which is also an activision product).
I’m not even sure that I agree free covenant switching should be unlocked for alts now. The sensible place for it to happen is when the character completes the 9.1 campaign, as I said. Unless they’re going to give every alt the completed campaign, it makes no sense in terms of the story.
There was much less to do ‘all those years ago’. I can only claim 12 years of continuous sub (aside from a time when I was unable to play due to satellite internet), but I do remember what it was like back then. There was far less to do, but it took you forever to do it, so you had to play alts or the tedium of the grind would drive you insane. Ah, the good old days.
I do play alts, and the requirement to repeat the campaigns has never bothered me. MMOs are repetitive by nature. Unlike single player games, where you finish it and then do something else until the next instalment, MMOs allow you to do it over and over again, just varying the experience slightly by doing it on a different class or with different friends. And since the renown cap has been higher, repeating the campaign has become even easier. You don’t have to touch it until your character is well geared, has unlocked a good chunk of the first 2 soulbind trees, and you can blast through the whole thing in 1 - 2 hours.
I said after you complete all on MAIN. If you complete all on MAIN, then at least on ALT, if it is a different covenant you never played, then you SHOULD play the questline, but ungated. It is silly to act as you are doing the whole MMO xpac event as if it were for the first time.
Yeah, and I think it is time to end this. MMOs are a dying breed without a doubt.
The repetitive nature should be in the CONTENT you actually want to play. If you want to do only arenas, what is wrong with that? If you want to raid on every alt, what is wrong with that ? If you want to gear alts with honor gear, what is wrong with that ?
Current XPAC"s actual framework allows you to play 2-3 alts until the next big content patch, but playing is an overstatement, since it forces you to REDO that “single player” campaign that should only be dont once per covenant.
Told you, I was unsubbed for 2 months just becasue psyhicaly it was too much to grasp at leveling renown on my alts, and waiting for that gated story etc.
Maybe an optional ‘I want to skip this’ would make sense, but not to have it by default.
I haven’t noticed this problem, to be honest. I currently have KSM on 3 different characters, and I could have it on a couple more except that I’m not feeling like playing those at the moment. (And not because I have catching up to do. I’m just enjoying the DH, druid and hunter more.) I’ve done some HC raiding on all 3, but high level raiding has never really been my thing and I’m not driven to go further than AOTC on one character. They’ve all got rank 6 legendaries, are currently at max renown (the DH is usually NF, but I’m switching around to get the full soulbind trees unlocked for every covenant before 9.1.5 drops so I can just get on with switching around and running keys without any significant loss of power).
And I don’t feel like any of this is boring. It’s just ‘playing the game’ and I’m having a lot of fun doing it.
You’re under no obligation to play MMOs if you’ve stopped enjoying them, but that isn’t because MMOs have significantly changed. It’s because they no longer interest you.
It is not of “you haven’t noticed it”, it is more like “could you do it on 24 alts, without going nuts” ? I’ve dont the covenant story on 3 ALTS, and while there were different covenants for the first go, it was ok. But when it come to doing the exact story for like 3 times on 3 characters … man that is soul murder.
I did, I paused for 2 months in SL, and 1 year in BFA. If the game would be mroe ALT friendly, I would have been subbed for way more months.
The funny part is, that I’ve activated the SUB just to make my own topic Stop gating ALTs PLEASE! , this is how much I love-loved this game and I would wish for it to be better for all.
It is a case of ‘I haven’t noticed it’ because… I haven’t noticed it. The ‘problem’ is not something I’ve experienced. I’m fine with doing the same content over and over again because that’s the nature of MMOs - repeatable content.
And why would I want to do it on 24 alts? There are only 12 classes in the game, and I have little interest in playing at least half of them.
Well, that is why I’m looking from all angles, not just my own interest.
I like repeatable content also, that is why I enjoy doing hundreds and thousands of arena 2s. Cause that actually involves playing the endgame content. I like the ideea of Diablo 3 seasonal characters … for ALTs, where you just level up then you actually start doing the content you love (rifts and grifts, not quests, etc.). I like the ideea of most multiplayer games that are “currently” working, like CSGO, Overwatch, Fortnite, Warzone, Dota 2, cause you just jump in and actually play the content.
But repeating story mode just for the sake of … repeating it, nothing challenging, not rewarding in anyway, … sheesh… I get it, it should be there for the ones that wanna do it, but I’m more confident that there are far more ppl that don’t enjoy doing it and would skip that lousy “content”.
I got 24 alts, 12 classes on each side. Could have been 12, doesn’t matter, I just dinged 60 on 6 and actually had time to play 3. Would have played more if it werent for that PvE-uselsss barrier. Hey, lets do the covenant queslt line and level renown, and hey, lets rediscover all the conduits, and hey, lets relevel all conduits, but hey, lets rediscover the legenderies that are good for PvP, in a dungeon and so on. After 2 weeks, ok, your free to actually play what you enjoy out of this class.
The one thing I look forward to most in 9.2 is deleting everything related to domination shards from my inventory. I don’t even want to vendor it, I want it gone without a trace and forget it ever existed.
That is as far as gameplay is concerned. As far as customization is concerned, I wish Blizzard will finally stop this nonesense and implement a long beard customization option for Humans, which, lore-wise, should have been there since Classic.
It just doesn’t make sense why they haven’t done that already, especially in this customization wave we got in Shadowlands. What could their motives be, what do they gain by refusing to give us long beards? Or are they incapable of creating one? They are more than capable.
But what did you expect from a company that turns an everyday woman-in-bikini artwork into fruit?