Stop gating ALTs PLEASE!

Sorry for the WALL of text, but I really need to get this out, cause maybe someday blizzard would consider feedback as a good thing. And if you love the game and hate gated story, borrowed systems, you would read this.

TLDR: We’re in 2021, most popular games are based on great multiplayer repeatable gamplay without storymode. Please stop using gated systems and start making ALTs really easy to use after finishing the first playtrough on the main, by the book.

TLDR2: MAU related, I’ve been subbed for more months pre Legion, and thats thank to the lack of borrowed power systems and gated story quests.

World of Warcraft®: Shadowlands
Account Status: Active
Last Played: 1 Jul 2021 (subb expired on 17 July :frowning: )
Next Billing Date: 16 Oct 2021

That means that one of the reasons I’ve subbed is to give my last 2cents and 13euros to Blizzard, and maybe my voice and others alike will count in the future … maybe next xpac.

The earlier quote is the exact reason I’ve subbed and wanted to reply, but of course the forum access is available ~24h later. Dodcoszmau, you should get a raise, since you made me sub without wanting to play at all :slight_smile:

Alting is a great passtime if you can do what you love from the game modes that the game offers, and not have to redo everything on every alt. WoW’s endgame could be: raiding, M+, pvping, World quests; all of those involve GEARING. So after I finish the first playtrough on my main, I should easily play on an ALT with everything unlocked (renown, systems etc.), if I choose to do so.

My "2 cents" for the game I love for 15 years

Really don’t understand how WoW’s Devs can’t see that there are simple and easy to understand reasons for the influx of players that come at 1. launch and 2. patches x.2 x.3.

  • For 1. we have the REASON: HOPE, and that is that players HOPE the new xpac will be good.

  • For 2. we have the REASON: END_OF_BETA, and that is because at x.2 or x.3 we finally get the xpac’s unique features as they should normally be at x.0 patch a t the start of the xpac. Also, Blizzard drops some of the barriers that make the game ALT_UNFRIENDLY, and ads most of the catchup systems in place.

With those in mind, while I can understand, “somehow”, why they cannot get a polished version for their temporary systems, at the launch of the xpac, I really don’t understand why they can’t implement changes that would make the game ALT_FRIENDLY no matter of big x.1 x.2 x.2 patches. Changes like: reach renown 40 on main, then get an item, like “Broker Mark of Distinction” , that boosts your ALT to renown 40; finish all QUESTS on main, then be albe to have ALL of them finished on ALTS, not just MAIN STORY. I have 24 alts, there is SO much to do for ALTS just by gearing that it would not need anything else.

I’ve played for /played 50days since xp launch 'til July 1st on 3 chars, but I’ve ignored 21 more. I would love to be able to focus on my main for like max 1 month or so after xpac launches or major x.1 x.2 x.3 patch, and then be albe to freely play on any of my alts without feeling the burnout of doing the same miserable things that, for me, don’t have anything in common with PLAYING with joy/for fun.

Blizzard hasn’t figured things out yet:

    1. You really think that gating story and borrowed power systems would really grant you a healthy and stable number of players ? Cause I think it does exactly the oposite. While I was ok with the first gated part of the expansion, the moment I’ve seen 9.1 live and saw another 40 renown + story gated I’ve insta quit the game. Yesterday when I’ve resubbed, I’ve enter the game and finished all the content in ~6 hours and got to renown 59 and boy that was a joy and that gaved me the sens of finishing the “task”. And after that I can play the part of the game I love most (Arenas). Back when we didn’t had borrowed systems (WoD IIRC), I would play like 1-2 days per week, but always had the sub running, cause there was nothing stressing me out. But now, knowing all these alpha state borrowed power systems and gated storyquests are in place, it just makes me wait for a couple of months until you polish the systems and make them beta-state, and until the story is full released.

You can check my sub and see that since Legion, my subbed months are fewer then before. Let us play the game in our own pace, and like Ion likes to say “the player should make a choice”, but for that to happen we need more healthy coices to catter all types of players.

    1. Why people still play the SAME games like CS:GO, DotA 2, Fortnite, Warzone, LoL, RainbowSixSiege, hell even Blizzard’s own Overwatch and Diablo 3 games, and they play it OVER AND OVER even if those games have just a few changes/updates every 1-2 years, and that is becasue people play those games for the GAMEPLAY. Even in Diablo 3, I come and play a season from time to time, but the first thing I do after I’m creating a new character is to get a 3min boost from 1-70. I could level my new season character by playing it in story mode or adventure mode if I would WANT to do it for the twentieth time, but thank GOD there is a way for people like me to just get the char to 70 and actually just PLAY the game for the gearing part.

Adding choices like story mode vs threads of time was a good think, but it is about time that Blizzard realises that the MMORPG genre is not trending for a long time now, it is already a niche. We all have grown up, have fulltime jobs, wifes/husbands, kids, and we actually don’t LIKE to do the whole “new expac, new quests, new borrowed power systems” for more then once per xpac. Please make Threads of Fate more ALT friendly, more GAMEPLAY friendly, letting everyone choose what is the content that they wanna “waste” their time with pleasure.


Good thread :slight_smile:

1 Like

Yes thats becouse most mmos on market simply suck no becouse there is no demand.

No you did. Dont act like game is filled by people like you. Average age of wow is same as back in 2004.

I knew a 22 year old guy during BFA, that was playing private server WOTLK, paying for POWER so he can oneshot everything in game … again … on a private server.

WoW’s morphing to instant gratification was made, from my PoV, exactly for the wave of new generations. These kids barely have patience to wait 2min for a lobby to get full in warzone or fortnite, and you expect them to grind.

BUT there’s a difference between making that game easier, like BFA gear rain shower, and actually making the game more accesible to players already playing it.

If it is hard for myself, a guy that plays the game for 15 years, to rinse and repeat crap storymode, gated, content, then how that would feel for young players?

There’s one thing to make a good PVE story quest line, be it actually quests or the expansion systems leveling (renown etc.), and a totaly different thing to make a human being watch/do the same tedious quests for 2-3-5-10-24 times. Yes Blizzard tought that would be great for MAU, but I think it pushes people out of the game more then it makes them stay.

While I could understand in SL to have to clear all covenants quests once on 4 characters or on 1 that does them all, but after that, why the hell would I want to redo that ? In the rest of the multiplayer, succesful games, you enter, and you play what you enjoy. You don’t have to do 70% of unwanted stuff, just so you can be able to do 30% of wanted stuff, before the next patch arrives :confused:

From this thread or this one, and many many more, you can get an overall impression of how old are wow players.

Plus, if you take a close look at this statistic made in 2005 … it really make me wonder if in 2005 the avarage age was 28, do you think NOW it is lower ? :slight_smile:

The Daedalus Project (the psychology of mmorpgs)
“From the survey data, the average age of the WoW player is 28.3 (SD = 8.4). 84% of players are male. 16% are female. Female players are significantly older (M = 32.5, SD = 10.0) than male players (M = 28.0, SD = 8.4). On average, they spend 22.7 (SD = 14.1) hours per week playing WoW. There are no gender differences in hours played per week.”

There definitely is less demand for an MMO and the entire genre appears outdated, as much as I love them. Those who once had the time to grind stuff for hours on end now have too many responsibilities, and the younger generations have more interest in something like Fortnite/League they can just run straight into.

Yes i was playing wow a lot more when it was just lvl up go dungeons farm gear go raid farm gear good you are done :smiley:
right now i’m playing cataclysm expansion on unamed private server
i’m having BLAST there
I was not in game(shadowlands) since i opened my LAST vault
I don’t know why but i’m starting to dislike retail

They destroyed my soul a little in legion when they redesign the SPEC i started playing wow with and that was RET pala.
and now they are crushing me with no interesting CONTENT
soon or later there will more people playing PRIVATE servers then blizzard games
because in private server scene the game is FREE
and you can pick the expansion you liked the MOST

My gametime is ending in 2 days
and i’m not gonna buy new cause i had enought and i’m having more fun playing REAL wow over this FAKE game they created after MOP

The game is dying because blizzard is returning to old stuff like making gear more rare than a freaking unicorn

plz stop

If you are pre 25yo, I can get why you feel that way. BUT, from my PoV, socialising and actually gearing is kind of the whole purpuse of WoW.

I ask you, if you gear ilvl250 in 1st week, what do you do after that ? Be upset that there is nothing to do in WoW ?

The gearing process should take the same in PvE as in PvP, that way we have an even ground and not force players to do PvP just so they can fast clear anything in PvE, or vice-versa, like it happend in season 1 SL.

Moreover, if you like rain shower gear, I actually don’t care about that part, just the mess we have to deal, searching between 100epics in our bags, but I can play that style also, because my concern is more about ALTing, and being able to freely play an ALT without being FORCED to redo everything and have a choice to do it or not to do it. Nowadays it feels like you have to watch a movie 24times WHEN you don’t wanna do that.

Blizzard adds catchup mechanics, but I don’t think that is enough anymore, I don’t ask them to give me gear, just to give me the possibility to play the content I love, for that gear.


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