Why ppl no listen to callouts

lost 7 game in row because no answer at all callouts

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same reason blizz does not listen to feedback

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They are morons?

Everyone’s a pro in blitz that’s why


Why would i listen to your “teamwork” strategy when i am the best player in the history of wow? (Also the strongest and most handsome)

My strat of trying to 1v4 all game is clearly superior. Not my fault everyone else tried to work together instead of following me (best/strongest/handsomest player)


Cant be true? I AM the best blitz player in the history of wow! Also the most handsome.
Everyone should listen to me because I AM the best.

Because sometimes you get matched with followers aka bots.

Why do you think ques pops so fast?

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The problem is that you play basically random BG. At low MMR, below 1500 very hard to win because people are really do not care about winning. Or not PvPers at all. They come to play side-game. And I really do not understand them. It’s not even causal PvPers, it’s just weird people.

MMR above 1500 pretty good games and people who actually plays PvP.

But pain is that if you really wanna gain rank – you better get new alt and pray for good maps/comps. Because this is RNG. Several people on this forms showoff that they are so cool even alts are 2000+ and that partially true, even if you’ll simulate mathematically it’s could be. Problem is that, my guess, around 12-13% of players who participate PvP successful.

So at low MMR it will be like that and no way to escape m8! Thanks blizzard!

Also bots. I swear I saw a bots.

People generally disable chat in solo because of toxic remarks etc… sadly

Nah its exactly casual pvpers.

I called it ages ago, loads of morons fighting on roads doing their own thing while like 3-4 people use their brains. Just like random BGs.

Blitz needs to track metrics like how often you fight on/near nodes, how often you interact with flags/orbs or carriers or how often you fight near them, how often you use abilities on teammates, how often you fight in the middle of nowhere ect.

People that constantly play like its team death match should lose more rating than those who play the objective. Let them stay in the slums of mmr and make it easier for people with brains to climb.


I said it several times in another topics. Yes, That’s exactly what I mean. I even many times pointed that not perfect shuffle still have a good scoring (imho). But blitz… Today I lose 5 games from 2 chars, and always the same reason, half a team do nothing. And quite hard escape low MMR with these type of players.


I’m somehow swifty or athene myself.
Why do i need to listen to you.

below 1500 mmr is literally the easiest place to carry. you put a 3K rated rogue at 1500 mmr and they will hold all 6 dps at one base for 2 minutes.

you couldn’t be more wrong.

do you think its easier to carry at higher mmr ?!?! hahhaha

never stop posting.

That’s the point! Is harder, I facing it. But this is the game! On low MMR no. People act differently. Ant that’s what many players says. That’s what you arguing! Holy-moly m! Ahahahahhah

Ao doesn’t realize that if he was actually a good player, his team would be guaranteed 1 good player every match and thus he would climb over time :innocent:

I agree with this on my other characters, 1.3k-1.5k seems to be frustrating hah


What? Lol… maaann… it’s soo nonsense! Ok. Good bye m8!

Ruges with their stuns even for single battle should be nerfed or reconsidered as a class. I think Rogues and Warriors needs class refactoring. Warrior just weakest calss ever and lives from buf to buf, rogues always OP.

Noway u work with stats :joy:

Good bye. I’ll quit this bad game and leave your forums :wink: Enjoy!

I think a 1.5k rogue with a healer can easily anti-cap aswell it’s not that hard lol, and some games are simply just lost nothing you can do about it i’ve seen multi r1 / awc players lose in low rated games not every game is carryable.