Why PVP damage reduction is bad idea class by class

As experienced player in every single expansion i can give you all some feedback about this new system that is here to ruin our experiences.

  • Warrior: NERF in world pvp and BIG BUFF in battlegrounds. While warriors need some damage buffs for pvp, this is not the way. Mortal Strike being the new meta to drain healers mana which is the actual goal in battlegrounds rather than focusing correctly. This is a nerf in world pvp because it’s actually hard to reach the oponent as warrior for a crit of 500 damage right now, then being CCed til they die is not a fun mechanic for them. Maybe fixing his charge+intercept bugs would help a bit.
  • Mages: Buff to world PvP and Battlegrounds. They can heal, every class who can heal in inmense broken against the ones who can’t. You need to sacrifice only 1 rune to be immortal. The only issue i see here in battlegrounds is the mana not being unlimited so they can bee oom and resting in a bg is like being 1 less.
  • Balance Druid: Like mages, they suffer being one of the best (if not the best) battleground caster right now. Just because their starsurge cost 8 mana and wrath is free, they can do infinite damage with 5% mana. But the most OP talent right now for them is Omen of Clarity, bringing them FREE WILD GROWTH constantly.
  • Feral Druid: Even if it’s a no mana user class, they swap form constantly so they used to get oom pretty soon. With this change this will happen so early they become warriors which will preffer to eat novas instead of removing it by swapping form. Bears with tank and regeneration runes can be very very tanky and it’s the perfect class to defend a flag in AB. But it’s boring AF too…
  • Ret Paladins: They struggle to kill people with some offhealing and now is even worse for them. By far the worst dps with healing abilities right now. They do damage? yes. Can they use mana to heal? ABSOLUTELY NOT. If you’re not running 80% mana reduction of Exorcism, you will get oom VERY soon. The only good thing they have now is that they DESTROY warlock pets because they recive full damage and everything on them is crit damage.
  • Rogues: Insane nerf in world pvp and Insane buff in Battlegrounds. The nerf comes from people being able to survive their entire opener (WHICH FEELS GOOD NGL) but it’s not fair for a class that depends on CC to kill or be killed. The buff comes from now being easily healed in BGs having infinite resources to do DPS non-stop and their pressure is insane. Now they can stack 5 mortal wounds on a target to death with 70% movement reduction.
  • Hunters: Nerf in both sides. Hunters need to be aware of the enviroment to prevent the dead zone or melee ranged. Every melee that comes close to us is a win/win for them now, since we used to have a big burst in opener to make 60-80% of their HP pool before they get close. Now they can do it better and since pets receive full damage (pvp damage reduction doesnt work on pets) we MUST go lone wolf, having less stats from kings and being the ultimate glass cannons in the game. At least now we can survive rogues without having trinket ready… Oh, and in BGs we are a viper sting bots. Which is not fun anymore.
  • Warlocks: Every class that needs to rampage their damage are the bigges winners here because they can survive enough to set-up their rotation and start healing like gods. Ferals can’t do the same due to range but warlocks are unstopable now. In world pvp you can kite and run, because you won’t NEVER win a 1v1 against them if he is decent enough.
  • Shadow Priest: Same as warlocks but with a BIGGER DOWNSIDE which is life tap. Mana is a problem in bgs. A single renew can outheal any shadow priest damage by dots right now. In world pvp they are incredible. Avoid 1v1 against this class unless u’re a warlock, enhancement shaman or balance druid.
  • Enha Shaman: Remember how hard was to kill one in ph2? well… now it’s 3 times harder than ever. Riptide+maelstrom+Shamanistic rage make shamans the true gods of the game right now. Ph3 and still don’t know why blizzard gave them freedom totem…

And that’s all. Sorry for my bad english i did my best. I hate this changes. There were too many people raging by being oneshotted which is stupid. People in BGs have 5-7k hp pool and even if some spells can do high damage is not a true one shot at all. In world pvp you should run around 3.5k 4.5k HP, and with some offhealing, consumibles and being aware of the danger, you can survive most of classes without comming here and cry for days. Blizzard should bring us better version of current runes instead of this ones being too OP. Low base damage and buff stat scalling and you have a better balance.

If this is going to stay forever i’ll unsub (i know some horde that would be very happy). BB!