Why pvp discs swapped to mastery over haste?

The title. I had a long break, so I didnt keep track of all the changes. I see no reason to go for mastery over haste since i dont have enough globals to even keep ppl alive through the damage. Might be me in blue gear fighting fully geared ppl though. For some reason I cant drop bellow 2k mmr despite the fact I lose every game due to gear and gain 0 conq…what a system.
I can imagine mastery makes the shields bigger, but seeing ppl playing with 5-9% haste, I cant believe it. What did I miss?

It might be that that year collecting gear for Holy, and just off specing disc.

Mastery is the best stat for healing throughput. This was also the case in shadowlands (although versa with the trinket bonus mightve been slightly higher), and probably bfa too. The difference is that you cant really outheal anything in dragonflight pvp, so the need for healing throughput has increased a lot.

The reason mastery is quite good in pvp, and not as good in pve, is that most of your heals in pvp will be on targets that already have atonement up. In pve, especially in raids, a large amount of your heals will be in the form of applying atonement to everyone. This makes the stat very tricky to balance.

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I guess it kinda makes sense. I would still go for half haste at least or something. Im shocked some of them completely ditched haste in such fast games.

Mastery provides biggg shields, keeps everyone alive easier than having to do hard dmg with haste. But they nerfed shields last week, and atonement healing is neither sustainable nor it is enough. Disc dead spec in arenas right now.

Ah, so thats why im the only disc Ive seen during my 4 days of sub this season? Did ppl go holy then or reroll? I felt like my buttons do literally nothing, but i thought its more like gear issue since I just started playing…

i really don’t get an idea to force disc to heal by damage, cuz of 2 points:

  • impossible to do it in current meta, literally have no time to spam damage and way low chances to up someones hp fast with this strategy
  • everyone play mastery over haste lol
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Thats the problem of disc I knew we will have to face the moment they announced disc rework into dps healer years back. Healing by dmg doesnt rly work in pvp, especially not when ppl die within a gcd like in DF. But they gave us tools to actually be a healer without healing through dmg, so its a healer with extra dps on top of it. And balancing this spec is obviously a nightmare. Its mechanics are just bad for pvp, so either its going to be broken or not playable. But to be honest, Ive tried healers and so far I enjoy disc the most of them all. I just have many ways to save my stupid donuts.

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