Why RDF is needed, why you all want it and why any other take is wrong

This is also because they were the first Dungeons we played. First impressions last as the saying goes. I still remember my first flight to Stormwind - the whole family came and looked - do I remember all the others to new places? nope. Try remembering the names of Quests from later expansions. Only a few will surface, and mostly from the zone you did first.

Yes and no. For me Dungens are things out of place and time - instances. I go there, I do my stuff, I go back to my levelling in the world - the real studff for me. I don’t sit in the capital and wait, like ever.

Summoning stones were a big plus, but I still had to travel back after Dungeon was done.

This is to tell that I am not going to do Dungeons without the teleport there and back.
I like tanking, but I do it only for fun, to help out my friends and guildies. For me the real joy and fun is out in the open world, questing, exploring, fuishing and hunting. So you won’t fnd me doing Dungeons in Wrath for a long time. There’s too much new ground to be discovered. And when I’m done discovering, and want to spend my time trying to finally levell my IronMan to 60 in Era, there won’t be a TP to make me go to Dungeons. I can of course stay outside of one of them, fishing in the hope this is what my friends need done. But you know, you can only use your time once.

My arguments are facts, nothing less.
No one can counter them, with anything relevant.
So sad i cant reply to each comment, stupid way to design forums.

The same logic you used, obviously I didn’t pug because I actually had conversations with people in dungeons from 15-70.

Except not every player is max level, and the people that do pug are likely to do so more often than those that don’t. You’re just arguing for the sake of arguing.

I pugged with whoever else was pugging, that would be the pug community.

Your arguments are just illogical. Go do some pugging before talking like an authority on the topic.

Your first dungeon was definitely not the Nexus if Deadmines was also your first dungeon. It can be true for one of those, but not all three. That’s why your argument doesn’t apply here.

If you don’t enjoy the process of doing a dungeon, then don’t do them if they’re not fun for you. Needing everything to be instant, instant dungeons, instant AH, instant bgs, instant raids, instant leveling, then this might as well not be an open world mmorpg, but a instanced hub mmorpg. Perhaps this simply isn’t the game for you.

Okay, now I know you’re a troll

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First of the relevant expansion - after a break you remember better again - I don’t remember Nexus no, don’t think I ever played it (Hellfire either - I know I have soloed it later for transmog gear) . It was generally spoken here.

I want the opposite of instant. I level via Quests and grinding only. I have spoken against XP buffs, I don’t do BGs, I don’t do Raids either, and I want the AH to stay as it is now. Heck I don’t even use any addons. I am probably the most Classic Andy you’lll ever find in the Forums :smiley: .

I run dungeons only to help my friends out, not to level. In Retail (long ago) I often went and stopped XP progress before a dungeon by visiting Behsten (one of the more expensive visits in-game :wink: )

But I won’t spend half an hour or more of my meagre playtime to only get to the dungeon and back. In all of Classic so far, I’ve run 3 Dungeons.

I do not mind for or against the RDF I just want to tell you that your arguments are not the whole truth.

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You don’t need to PUG to have conversations in dungeons. You just have to run dungeons. So my logic stands, why yours fails.

And that’s why I only assumed 10% of the playerbase as potential pool. Which already is very small, considering, that all of those 14k players are obviously level 70, because the number comes from WCL and most of them will have ran dungeons at times.
I am arguing because I am showing where your statements fail. You are arguing just to argue right now.

And yet you couldn’t point out where my logic failed. You just made some fake arguments, that I easily dismantled.
And the more you talk the more I am set that you in fact didn’t PUG at all. Right now I am not sure you even know what PUGing means. So I’ll explain to you. A PUG is a Pick Up Group. It’s a group of strangers running a dungeon. When you run with guildies or friends it’s not a PUG.

You read things into his statement, he never said. Just because he doesn’t like to travel to dungeons doesn’t mean he doesn’t like to do dungeons. In TBCC nobody wants to travel to the dungeon. 2 have to travel and 3 are just waiting to get summoned. And with the RDF teleportation is suddenly a bad thing.
This just shows some people will do anything to argue against the RDF. Even if it’s not logical and they actually don’t really have problem with the thing they criticize as long as it’s not in the RDF.


This is what I wrote and then deleted agin. You are so right.

The funny thing is, that’s what he accused me of doing. I am just pointing out the holes in his argumentation.

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You were tanking on both of those, weren’t you? Of course people would be friendly to a tank who doesn’t ask for gold and/or all unwanted items.

I never troll, no one has yet to refute on eof my arguments, because they cant, everything said so far, ive either already gone over or its just wrong.


This rather supports my argument though: if you don’t like the process of a dungeon, then you don’t have to do it.

Now you’re moving goal posts. You said pugs aren’t social, I said that they are, your argument of not having to pug to be social doesn’t change that pugs can be a social experience.

You haven’t dismantled anything.

And you didn’t read what I said: I said if you don’t enjoy the process of doing dungeons. Finding a group for the dungeon, travelling to the dungeon, this is also part of the process, part of the experience.

You’ve been given perfectly true responses, and you just go “No, my subjective opinion is true”

You are just here to troll.

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The dungeon itself is OK, but I do not want to do if if I’m going to spen more time tralelling there and back than running the dungeon :wink: I’d like to play (quest/explore) as well.

Exploring while traveling to the dungeon is part of the adventure :wink:

The first time maybe, and before I start doing dungens wiht my friends, I normlly have explored the world. I do only do dungeons to help out.

Exploring what 15 years old content that was never designed to be exploration based ?

You should be asking the one that says he likes to explore, not me.

Yes, I like to explore the world.
It was not designed to be explored, you say? Well that’s new to me, there’s so many small details even in the remotest of places. I still see something new now after almost 16 years :wink:

Since you claimed to have ran into the same people all the time on a server with 14k players, I assumed you didn’t PUG. Because statistically this is very unlikely. So even if it happened to you, that’s an experience 99% of players don’t make.

Because you were lacking real arguments you proceeded to attack me, by saying I didn’t PUG, because I rarely saw people twice in dungeons.

I pointed out how stupid this statement is, because it’s more likely to play with complete strangers when PUGing. Your argument was like: “I think you haven’t been in the water, because you’re wet.”
It’s nonsense.

But there initial conversation wasn’t about if PUGs are social or not. It was about this statement:

And this is wrong for 99% of PUGs. The communication in the dungeons is a completely different topic and I didn’t say anything about it. At least not in the conversation with you. This was just about the group forming process, where you wanted to make it seem as if: “LFM MT HC” “inv” is some kind of gathering around a fireplace where one starts to play guitar and the other starts to sing about his heroic deeds in the dead mines.

I am exaggerating here. But I don’t know how else I am supposed to explain this to you. Because you either don’t understand or you don’t want to understand.

Yes I did and just now again. You just fail to understand logic.

So by your logic you are only allowed to enjoy a steak if you raised and butchered the animal.
Of course forming groups is a part of the process. But it’s not fun to most people. So if you have the possibility to automate that process, that isn’t fun and just a necessary chore to do something that actually is fun, it’s only logical to want that process automated.
Because this ultimately allows you to spend more time with what you actually enjoy.

Saying I don’t like vegetables, because I hate garden work is just stupid. You don’t necessarily have to enjoy one to enjoy the other.