Thank you blizzard, I’m truly grateful for being thought, that I cant appreciate a women’s beauty stay safe and cover them up yay power to the women! Soon we won’t even see their hair
Christ… I fear for the future of all western games, if this continues…
Do something about the company’s, not censoring games.
The changes so far don’t affect me in anyway but how far will they go, I wonder
We have people claiming they’re arguing “for feminism and women” and they’re doing this by disagreeing with literal women, telling them they’re wrong and “not a proper feminist clearly” because they’re invoking the arguments of what some imaginary feminist might say which just so happens to align with their own object of keeping things as they are.
How can people not see this? You can’t claim to be a member of a group about empowering women and lifting them up if your manner of doing that is to actually not listen to them and instead advocate for the stuff you think that should be in their interests according to how you interpret their goals yourself.
This is precisely how historical groups that disempowered women (like chastity and virginity movements) operated. They didn’t outright go “oh yeah we want to control women lol”. They packaged what they were doing as “in the interests of women” in line with what they thought women should aspire to be like and it just so happened at the same time in doing so, they got what they wanted from the transaction as well.
The difference here is I don’t actually believe anyone here is genuinely interested in keeping the pictures of nudie women in game, it doesn’t serve their interests. Rather their angle here is they simply want to be angry with “woke groups and blizzard” and they’re using this as a vehicle to do so, in the pretence of having some noble goal. It’s just another excuse for them to get mad about people changing things in a way that irritates them and to try and catapault it to the level of some grave social injustice that they’re assuming on behalf of other people (whilst talking down to these people and speaking for them) in order to make it bigger than “their simple irritation”.
Because if they concede it’s merely about their irritation with blizzard changing stuff in their game in a way this player doesn’t like, which is ultimately not a big deal, then that’s as good as admitting to being a snowflake. But if one has a noble cause then you’re not a snowflake clearly. You’re just fighting the good fight.
Well I don’t buy it. This isn’t a “good fight” and the adoptions of “feminism” being used to argue it here are immensely transparent and displayed a very tokenistic and simplistic understanding of feminist theory on issues such as depiction of the female form. It is nowhere near as simple as “men told us to cover up, therefore all depictions of female nakedness are the goal of feminism”. For example in feminist thinking sex-work is fine as a feminist profession if the woman decides that is what she wants to do and how she wants to live and use and view her body, but that doesn’t mean they support brothels that are owned by men and coerce women into sex work simply because they say “but we’re celebrating your feminine gifts” that’s just not how it works at all!
These people are the same ones who would boo the woman at Blizzcon. Classy people. Unable to see that they are the problem. Yet somehow always feel like they’re the biggest victim in all of this.
Current wave Feminsim does not have this core value in mind. In the West, they are literally scraping the bottom of the barrel for something to fight for/against because they can’t be bothered to focus their energy towards other countries where any form of Feminism is stamped out.
See, that’s the thing with emancipation. We’re far from done. And as long as men tell me “I know what’s best for you, so please let me decide because you apparently lack the ability to come to the same conclusion as I do” this will go on.
There are some men in this forum, who want to discuss sexualisation / sexism among their gender- and opinion-matching inner circle and team up to target female posters strictly disagreeing by sealing them to the image of an unpleasant, man-hating, overreacting, radical feminazi. Because that’s the only plausible explanation they can find for said women disagreeing. Why? Because they apparently aren’t used to a woman disagreeing. This characterisation of strong female characters, about them being some mad and vile b*** can be found in a couple of (sexualised) WoW characters, too. Weird enough, but in the forum, it goes even further.
I’ve strongly represented my own opinion as a woman (and oh god a coloured woman above all) on several occasions. And the reaction is always the same. Two or three posters team up and disassemble everything I say until they find something to hook in and start a whole wave of criticising / attacking my statements and mine exclusively. Calling me names, trying to tie me to a certain stereotype / political ideology, nail me down and overtalk me in a collective. This can be seen as some sort of attempt to intimidate and silence me.
I’m pretty sure there are alts involved, too to make the crowd intimidating me seem even bigger. And if I wasn’t the woman I am, used to such tactics, I’d probably give in real quick. The case shows how a lot of men still want to talk about sexualisation on their terms and their terms only. And whenever you as a woman want to talk about it, you get a dry “Yeah, but we men suffer, too, so who cares about what you find offensive” Is that an excuse for anything now all of a sudden? I think not.
It’s how amazing how you people still can’t understand that one is not the other. One one hand we have Blizzard with a frat boy culture and sexual harasment where the women didn’t ask for that and on the other hand we have instagram/twitch where people choose themselves what they do. Great comparison there Sjoebert.
So by removing skin, Stacey from HR and Wendy from GameDev will not get harassed anymore by Chad and Kyle?? AMAZING!! Let me call the Nobel Committee for you as you seemed to have solved the sexual harassment issues in the world.
Congratulations on not getting it. Not surprising in the least though. You’re a great example as to why these things are still happening. Ignorance is bliss.
There is no correlation between showing skin in a game and sexual harassment in the office. By covering up women the harassment doesn’t stop, Chad and Kyle will still have the same thoughts and ideas. They will just express it differently.
Anyways I wish you good luck in Afghanistan bruh sounds like your country
I have noticed the tactics you describe and i’m sorry you’ve had to face that (but from my observations of you you seem perfectly capable of squaring up to them without daunt), a similar albeit different phenomenon is experienced for us guys whom will argue on this side of things - where the reduction is instead attempted to reduce our position to that of some “quivering simp” as a means to therefore discount our contributions as those of some guy “looking to get his leg over”.
Aside from the obvious problematic connotations in assuming that the only reason a man would want to defend the rights/opinions of women is because of their sexual value to him (yikes central) it’s just a clumsy attempt to strawman, but that’s par the course around here and particularly around issues such as feminism and social justice.
There’s a whole hunk of “Lemme guess you’d argue then…” or “people like you…” etc which completely disregard the actualities of what people type, and attempt to associate them with some foaming-at-the-mouth ideology to prevent the collision of having to argue with someone whom presents a challenge that can’t be easily squared up to, so all the better to dismiss them as “some crazy”.
And as for the “what about men”? It’s just boring, entry-level deflection tactics. The discussion of women’s issues in no way invalidates or legitimises the issues men face, they are distinct issues which need their own discussions. Supporting women’s issues being resolved being interpreted as an attack on men’s issues only works if you assume that the emancipation of women creates issues for men, which only works if you believe that men (for some reason) are owed some sort of privilege over women by virtue of their gender alone (textbook sexism). Conflation of issues in this manner is a very textbook form of derailing attention on legitimate political issues for example the conflation of LGBT rights with increased moral decay - the creation of a false dilemma. “You can’t have it all”. Yes you can, if you have the brainpower to see how.
It’s really important to me as a husband and a father (one of my children is female) that the importance of keeping these discussions squarely on female emancipation and them being the authors in this process. There is a sinister rising of some regressive views regarding gender in the social media/gaming spheres which uses the similar cloaked assumptions of purporting to know “what women want and how they really are, if only they could see it too.” and conflating it with misfortunes and issues men experience and this crap needs to be stamped out as soon as possible.
These young men are frequently angry, but their anger is wrongly directed. They direct it at women and those who support them, but they should be directing it the ones who set these expectations of them in the first place; which in many cases are the generation of men who came before them. They need to direct it more gently at themselves to ask whether they are really authoring their own lives or are they playing a passive role and doing a “woe is me, the forces of fate?” routine and mistaking their lack of assertive action and optimism for their own future with a conspiracy of forces against them which they lay squarely at those they ultimately want to exert influence over.
It’s a weird blend of horrific, and outright hilarious. But it’s potentially dangerous which is why it needs to be watched.
Changing names of achievements and paintings does not matter, go ahead, but please change things that people care about, instead of renaming sack to storage how about giving some attention bag management issues, like my bags filling up with anima items that I have to turn in or a million different crafting materials that I need to use addons to manage, changing the paintings and renaming things is just low hanging fruit, easy changes that make no difference to quality.