Actually glad you didn’t use words like SJW or woke, because those are political terms coined by the US alt-right-white-supremacy wing of the republican party and imo they have nothing to do on an EU forum for a fantasy game. But then again, you seem to very much agree to their way of thinking whereas I am not. Doesn’t necessarily mean I’m a leftist. I’m very much annoyed by communists for example since they have an equal mentality of generalising everyone, who doesn’t 1:1 stick to their agenda. And while you might call my views leftist, leftists been asking me if I’d be a QAnon member and labelled me antivaccinist simply for saying that I’m critical towards the inflationary amount of antibiotics and vaccines used these days against each and every disease for it helps an increase of germs developing multiresistancy. Am vaccinated though, so their accusations are as little true as those of right-wingers when it comes to my convictions. They both just equally prefer to misinterpret what I say and come to conclusions by the sole habit of stereotyping everyone not agreeing to their extremist beliefs. Not gonna play that game.
But you know, I happen to watch quite a few animated movies / series per month. From Castlevania (relatively recent production) to the new Witcher animation movie. Couldn’t see how female protagonists were either 100 % black nor 100 % she-mans. Anime continues to mainly focus on white kawaii teenage girls with or without big boobs, too. Can’t see your claims applying there either. When you say almost everywhere, what you really mean is DC and Marvel I guess. Maybe more Marvel than DC. Two ever competing comic giants that have drained their own story supply dry over decades due to throwing out one remake after another with the content getting more boring in every new release. Why? Because they’ve been catering one and one target group only since the early 20th century, so almost 100 years.
I grew up with their comics and comic series during the 90s. All I saw was - your - norm for women and men. And while there were plenty of white heroines white women could identify with, I exactly had ONE: Storm. Still hasn’t gotten her X-Men Origins movie yet, while way less famous white heroines did get their own movie, repeatedly, boringly repeatedly. There were times where I didn’t feel represented in any way by my own country’s media left aside comics or animation series. And a lot of other “unpopular” social groups probably felt the same. Did I die from it? No. Did anyone pay attention to how the lack of representation influenced my ability to identify with society on a whole? No. So, please excuse if your complaints about PoC and LGBTQ+ people “being everywhere” now to me seems a bit like privileged whining for not being the center of attention anymore.
Montaging a female head on a male body? Yikes. Thor being female? Lol… But to be honest, both these comic labels might just run out of ideas after decades of same good old bs. A source of ideas can run dry (cough Blizzard) and what you then get in most of cases is a desperate try to appeal to other parts of your audience more to get inspired again. Which nowadays happens to be quite mixed alternative audience regarding sexuality, colour and well, political leaning. They’re in an inevitable experimenting phase and new ideas heavily pursued right now just seem to you as if it was everywhere because you weren’t AT ALL confronted with an alternative way of making said comics before.
No you’re not. You’re just overreacting to the ratio of women you can identify with and the women you can’t identify beeing shifted in someone else’s favour. And the same overreaction can be observed by WoW players making a drama about a painting being changed. Players, who apparently can’t be content with sexualised armor in their transmog wardrobe but insist on sexualisation in clothes and appearance of npcs and characters being an essential part of the game. This by completely ignoring the fact that transmogs hardly were an essential part of the game when it started and how the game was rather moderate on sexualisation in the beginning, too. The old Sylvanas model wasn’t sexualised in the beginning. It was made sexier in the course of several years to cater players (and devs) asking for more sexiness. Now that they start to cater another part of the player base after having delivered more sexualisation for those demanding it, it all of a sudden is a problem. This although the reasons for them doing it are pretty obvious. They’re facing the biggest sexism and ethnic inequality scandal in the hisotry of gaming. They are forced to overthink their common habits and change. And to be honest, I’m pretty glad they are finally doing it. I’m glad they’re finally listening to a part of the player base that has not been represented properly before. I’m glad that women, who don’t deem saxualisation in a game necessary or even more, find it a “slippery slope”, are paid more attention after one female Blizzard staff member took her life for getting sexually defamed and humiliated. I’m glad that a big company is actually able to change course. A course that has brought them valid critique for years now. And just because some of you aren’t happy with the course set, doesn’t mean it must be wrong or doesn’t have positive effects. You’ve been catered and satisfied for decades, now it’s someone else’s turn. Simple as that. And you can bi** about it as much as you want, it was done and now deal with it.
Could say the same about you. Sorry if the way comic labels decided to let their characters look like these days doesn’t cater your idea of what is average or deserving to be in the spotlight for now. Because all I hear in your words is “Mimimi, my ideas about average looks aren’t the center of attention anymore”. And that it is indeed your subjective idea about the term average is brilliantly shown by your use of language and definition of sexiness.
Person clinging to a never changing stereotype being overly promoted in media telling me to open my mind. Made my day. The reason why people in here are claiming I’d have double standards is because I talk critically about sexualised female characters assuming I wouldn’t have a problem with sexualised male characters without ever having said the like. They assume, interpret and conclude from my words what they see fit to serve their assumptions about my opinion.
Do I find a well trained male torso attractive? Yes. Do I need to be bombarded with it in every media formate? No. Would I go on the WoW forums and create 10 posts about a picture of a half-naked man getting removed from the game and call it anti-feminism? No. Would I complain about Illidan getting a shirt? No. He might be freezing in the cold vastnesses of stellar space while fighting Sargeras, so give him a pullover and warm parker if you want to.
The only reason people claim I’d have double standards is because I’m not dramatising the removal of sexualised content ingame as much as they do and at one point even promote it. Despite dressing sexy myself every now and then. Despite liking handsome male bodies, skinny and muscular alike. Doesn’t match their view on how my opion SHOULD be due to that and therefore it must be illogical. While I in fact DO see things from another perspective than my own. I CAN see how sexualised content is problematic, especially for a company that faces a court trial over sexism. I CAN see how women feel objectified by said company glorifying a certain body type and highlighting its sexual features in a way that they are drawn in gigantic proportions. And yes, I sometimes find it quite disgusting how promiscuity is set a common standard for sexiness. My sexappeal isn’t defined by how much skin I show. And thinking that way already is objectifying. Not much more to say about my standards really.
I suggest you have a bit of a look in a dictionary really. Handsome can even refer to a picture, speech or furniture. Have yet to find the sexually attractive and strong jawline of a chair…
And I am giving you another. If you prefer to exclusively use a word with sexual connotation and limiting the possible use of a term with it, this is your subjective approach, not mine. And said subjective approach can only result in subjective perception. I’m not limiting my use of language to your standards just because you’d like me to adapt your point of view. Period. I understand it but don’t have to agree to it. Nor make it my standard of defining the world.
If it depends on biology it is not unrealistic for everyone since it can indeed be achieved.
Again isn’t true for reasons I already gave you. What you call “not anymore” indeed means “less”. So your preferred appearance isn’t leading in public perception anymore and you can’t deal with 50 / 50 because you want 20 / 80 or 100 percent which isn’t happening and that’s why you are upset. That’s it.
Unless you’re speaking as a split personality, who is “us”? You act as if I would prefer masculine female characters when I’m really just tolerating them more than you and couldn’t care less if they get more screen time. Because as someone chronically underrepresented I’m really just fed up with your (singular) ideas about what has to be the center of attention getting their will. And as soon as not getting it acting like a spoilt brat about it. Simple as that.
You are kinda lost, or troll, not sure.
Blizzard using the “political term” woke for a while now, it was also stated in one of their post not long ago.
So, come again?
Soooo Bad Faith arguments and deflections again, huh?
While I do have several rebuttals to what you wrote, why bother ? You will only yet again use bad faith and/or deflect. You will yet again fail to see your double standard even after I typed it out for you, you read it, quoted it and completely missed it.
Code for “I have nothing to come up with next”. Have a good weekend. I shall meanwhile actually play a game I pay for to enjoy instead of talking to people, who can’t see how they’re complaining about having to share a privilege others never had.
P.S.: I saw a hidden comment to my reply. Whoever it is, please try to seek for attention and engage with another forum user. Goes for everyone I’m not replying to anymore.