Why rogue class so many deaths?

I am confused when checking the death statistics, I see Paladins and Warriors doing the best. Paladin I can understand by Warrior has nearly zero escape utilities.
So why is Rogue so high or low (depending how u wanna se it) in reaching level 60?
Is it more the mindset of a player that choses Rogue?
Cause I can not understand why this class is so bad at reaching 60 when you can escape hot situations so easily.
Only other class thats also low but I would consider a GOOD ROACH is mage.
Do you see my mana? So what can you do now for me? Pls explain why you are not walking!

warriors often have a pocket healer with them. If you want escape abilities grab engineering for the target dummies, that and swiftness pot is good getaway combo in open world. A rogue needs its cd in oh crap moments, when he doesn’t have them he dies

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Yeah but you can say this with every class? If you have your iceblock on cd or no mana its game over for mage too. Which will mean, that dying was the players fault to not check CDs!
So my questions still stands why do Rogues die so often compared to other classes who have way less escape talents.
Yes pocket healing would explain the Warrior statistics. Ok.

Cos a lot of noobs google before playing and most likely rogues are suggested as one of the if not the easiest class.
About warriors its always been BS, its hard/slow to level. Warriors + armour + consumables are very good.


Rogue dies because of overconfidence and the reason warrior survive because warrior is known to be weak so people play more carefully and tbh warrior ain’t as bad as people make it to be


Vanish is not a sure fire escape tool and neither is sprint. It all depends on the circumstances.

Also depends on lvls. Maybe alot of low lvl rogues dies? They learn vanish at 21 something. And can easily die in dungeons aswell due to low mana.

In low level dungeons rogue aint worse than others, after just vanish.
Low mana, good one :d

Yes its true rogues can vanish if the whole group is about to wipe or if group dies etc.
But some bosses or mobs drop agro, or rogue just overagros certain bosses/mobs and get 1-3 shooted if unlucky. Ofcourse skilled players survive this, but seen clips when people get killed this way.
Range classes stay in in range so it wont happen in the same extend☺️
Also if rogues get poision or bleed effects its ggs with vanish.

Rogue Class Quest?


ok never done it. Is is a good warning? Which one in particular so I might skip it or do it later?

polly wants that cracker!

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The rogue class quests must be played rogue-like not warrior-like. Then they are easy…

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So practically read the quest and prepare, do not try to mindlessly force through it, yeah :smiley: