Why so many elitists complain about lfr?

Being in a guild requires dedication like attendance on certain days and etc. LFR give those with heavy real life obligation the chance to experience the new raid.

I mean Nzoth hc is also just a zerg. Raidleader says: “grp 1 first portal, grp 2 second portal”, then you zerg the boss and kill him.


A zerg until someone steps on each others paranoia.

After that “your friends will betray you”


Yeah I totally get that but lfr being faster to clear was just never true in my experience which is why I dont get that point.


It is not exactly faster to clear, it is that it can be done in wings and resumed later

I honestly dont really see it at least not for dps given the long queue time but maybe I just dont do it often enough as dps /shrug

they are scared to admit that so many people have fun without any chalenge in game.

this goes against their principles

most of time its people who fail irl and escape into chalenges in wow because its only way they can find fullfilemt and "achieve " anything.

this wouldnt be bad on psychological level if they werent toxic to casual players

Maybe in first week of HC releasing!

I was doing some LFR runs to gear up an alt the other day.

Wiped at Carapace.

I kindly suggested that if people were low on Sanity and had cloak on CD they could rush up to dragon boy jumping over the corruption patches using whichever class speed boost for some extra fix.

Some people genuinely did not know and were grateful.

LFR being LFR, most people simply get in without reading the mechanics, and hope someone will explain what to do.

(We got N’Zoth down at the 4th attempt, which I consider acceptable having a group comprised of many people who never read the mechanics to start with, did not know what ‘get into portal’ meant, and all of the such).

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I am not talking about the people who just did not know and needed to be told once.
But the people who do not learn to do this after multiple wipes and explainations

Pretty much. Ultimately LFR could be added to all difficulties over the months of the raid’s release. With just some minor adjustments and without too much hassle. Something that would “undermine the effort” certain players feel like they put into the raid. Even though the very same players most likely completed the raid in a pug group.

I honestly have not seen that happen so often. A couple of wipes are the norm, but then people learn. Guess I was lucky, or I just have come to accept that 1-2 wipes on random bosses are possible and even 4-5 wipes on Nzoth are kind of normal.

Anything better than that makes it a very lucky and smooth run for me. :wink:

Lol, noob.

I did Heroic N’Zoth without a single wipe! I mean, it was a boost, but that’s totally beside the point!


hard disagree on making higher difficulties queueable. Doing it in a queue gives a certain expectation of completion, and given how many pugs fall apart on heroic already that will not work, the last time content was queueable that was reasonably difficult was cata heroic dungeons and that ended in tears, that is why queueing any difficulty is a bad idea, not because it is not doable but because people cry when they dont manage.

I’ve literally never understood why people want it removed. Don’t like it? Don’t do it lmao, it’s as simple as that.


It is bad design and causing ilvl inflation due to the so many raid difficulties.

They did ilvl squish, and we are currently already in the range of ilvl that was released in Cata->MOP. In a single expans.

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LFR is not a problem.
The real problem is all the afk’ers and the 100% clueless players that make it a pain because they just want their free loot.


Clueless people can at least be receptive to learning something.
What we deal with in LFR and sometimes even in Normal pugs is called a “dunce” aka someone incapable or unwilling to learn

First of all you dont need god know how many hours to clear heroic on weekly basis so do not look for fake excuses please. Full run takes 2ish hours. LFR at its current state is designed for bad people who perform their rotations with selfie stick. Raiding was about finding a group and working together towards downing the boss. LFR in its current state is designed for bad players so they can “participate in raiding” and dont feel bad about being bad (HEHE). It’s another level of difficulty which splits the community, its boring, its unnecessary, it honestly should be removed from the game and replaced with scenarios like someone else suggested a couple of weeks ago.


lack of self esteem, belittling? lmao :hear_no_evil:

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