Why so many elitists complain about lfr?

We are killing 3 bosses a week as guild in 3 hours :thinking:

Let me give you another example of why LFR is bad. People dont have to know anything about encounters. They go in and just auto attack bosses to death. The moment blizzard released LFR nzoth people cried for nerfs because it created toxic environment in which people were insulting each other for being bad. LFR in theory could be good for players who do not want to invest their time into raiding but at its current state it is awful. Scenarios so social players can experience story line would be a much better idea than this abomination of ‘raiding’.


._. How do you manage that? D:

No? we learn the fights while playing :thinking:

What do you mean? Last week we killed hivemind, xanesh and ra-den. 3 a week. A little more bosses from the start of the raid, a little less at the end.

Yeah I can imagine learning curve in a group of 20 randoms is an amazin experience and it makes you feel like you’re doing a meaningful progression.

Some people have no respect of expensive selfie stick :sweat_smile:


I mean yeah when you are still progressing sure, and it obviously depends on the skill and gearlevel of the guild if you are just breaking into a new difficulty it will obviously take longer, if you are at that speed on the very same difficulty since the start of the tier and the raid team is not changed since then, then that is exceptional, and not in the good way :confused:

I dont see what is “not in the good”. We play and have fun :thinking: Not everyone is a god and have also other gods to play with.

It is always like the bul sh t on the forums that you have to finish heroic in the first week or everything is worse than crap. I dont understand this behaviour. I learned from LFR, then normal then heroic. :man_shrugging:

why do you care about how other people use their game time lmao? you legit never have to step into lfr. it literally has Z E R O impact on you.

I expressed my opinion about lfr. I do me, you do you


Certainly nerd screams when nzoth died :smile: Which was an awesome progression. Some of my best evenings in whole Bfa to be honest.

Yas! We finally had a raid leader and stable raiding environment. Progression felt really good. I am now done with this expansion so I can focus on casual activities like farming mounts and gold. Feelsgoodman

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nah dude, doesn’t work like that. you can’t say i do me, you do you but keep on ranting about how people lfr should be removed from the game denying people from that content (:


OP asked why so many players complain about lfr and I gave my opinion. You may not like it but thats a you problem.
Just on a side note I’m not denying anything. I said that scenarios someone suggested a couple of weeks ago was an amazing idea for more social players.

Dont try to get inside my head and overanalyze things. My mind is a dangerous place. You might not get out.


I mean fair enough playing for fun is great, but not progressing for what is months for now does not really have anything to do with being a god, it just means that the strategy you use to kill the bosses is not working or not executed. Noone says you have to finish it quickly but if you are stuck on the same bosses that long on Heroic then I would try a different strategy to beat the fight.

This is not meant to be a knock it is genuine advice, if you enjoy it, fair enough I know I wouldn’t.

Yeah, some people, tell it how it is boyo. Don’t let these Panda’s get away with a heavily disguised whine about LFR players not knowing what they’re doing.

On the other hand it’s always advisable to read AND comprehend what the OP is saying before posting and making yourself look a little bit silly.

Back in MoP I used to complain about it too, because I myself was doing LFR quite often for legendary cloak quest items. I was just very angry at the time that as tank 9/10 times my co-tank didn’t knew what to do, and often people didn’t let me give him TLDR in whisper and just ninja-pulled the boss anyway. It kinda pissed me off that if I could read up on the bosses why can’t anyone else and why do we get rewarded with epics for this mess.

Since then I became older, more chill and I only rarely use LFR for example when I have a new alt I haven’t played before and I’m learning their rotation, positioning on bosses or if installed new addons / weakauras I tend to test them in LFR. I have no problem with it’s existence and I don’t mind people who enjoy doing it on a weekly basis.

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LFR essentially is a storymode content, and it rewards storymode level rewards. Nothing bad or wrong in it in my books. LFR is not there for gear upgrades. Those, who want to wear best gear and do best this and that will pick content suitable for their needs.


And this is a fair statement. Calling everyone who dislikes LFR belittling and insecure wasnt.