Ok, I checked your logs, and it was what I expected of mistakes. As S3 is over, and S4 is another rotation I wont put in too much effort, but this is what I see connected to what we talked about.
You often go:
Ramp, BB, slam, Ramp
Ramp, BB, ww, Ramp
For context - your rotation should look like this:
Ramp, BB, slam, bt, ramp
Ramp, BB, ww, bt, ramp
In both cases above you are not using that BT GCD, meaning less OF resets and less BB damage overall. Now, this also explains why you keep getting locked out of your GCD every 30 sec or so. As both WW and Slam will be on CD.
Then there are examples like this:
Ramp, BB, ww, execute, ramp, bb, slam, ramp
Here you are spending your Sudden Death proc, your WW and your slam - all in order, you are literally making it certain there is no way for you to not be GCD locked.
(lets ignore all the other mistakes)
You should really not talk about optimal DPS for S3, as you got a fundamental misunderstanding about how it works.
I really don’t want to be too harsh, but I must hammer this point home. You are having problems because you are playing it wrong and doing a faulty rotation. What confuses me the most is, that you in 60% of the fight do it right - then you start to scuff yourself by doing those weird things mentioning above (or worse) - rippling down your rotation and making it scuffed throughout the fight.
You clearly got some understanding about what you need to do, you just fail at executing the prio order and sticking to it.
I hope this helps you understand the problem, and help you see how you are misinformed about the state of S3 vs S4 in context of our discussion.