You are not doing 180 APM as Fury Warrior. We got something called a Global Cool Down (GCD), it can not be reduced under 0.75 sec, that is with 100% haste. Lets be nice and say you got 50% haste, that would be 1sec GCD. Or 60 APM from filling GCD. Reck/Ava is not on GCD, nor charge/leap, and during heroism you should be able to reach closer to 70-80 APM during the duration of close to 100% haste. On avg we would see around 65-70 apm.
Now it could be that we are using the term APM as not the same unit, so I will clarify, I refer to APM to not what is often called CPM. Actual button presses that do something, or actions taken by the player in intput units is what I care about. CPM (often refered to as APM) in WoW terms can often be connected to procs, or events. Like Hack’n’Slash when you rampage, creating events per proc. Bloating CPM listings. Giving the false impression APM is a lot higher than what it is.
Exceptions to this, are prot warrior and bear, that spam ironfur and ignore pain (both not on GCD), skyrocketing their actual APM close to 100-120. Insane levels for World of Warcraft.
Beware, if you go to warcraft logs and check CPM, you will see how flawed it counts things. Rampage as one, counts as 3 CPM in their system, even if is one button press. So you will see numbers like 70 CPM (casts per minute) for Rampage. WE DO NOT CAST RAMAPGE 70 TIMES IN 60 SECONDS.
This is a perfect example of bloated CPM show by logs. As Rampage show 90 CPM, and Hack’n’Slash 35 CPM. That is 125 CPM from the same ability. Rampage. That we cast at most 30 times per minute (every other GCD) and that is under very good conditions. So, in this example, it is fair to presume actual APM is ~30 ish, not 125.
The playstyle, of what is discussed, both fill their GCD spots. APM is directly locked to that. Doesn’t matter if you run AM or RA, what affects GCD is haste values and off-GCD casts. Reck/Rav/AM do create one more cast of reck, than what OF did (as Reck/Rav was cast as one, being 2 casts - and OF being alone 1 cast). That is basically the only factor, with a minor lowering of haste (5%) prefered going to versa for S3 vs S4 (so a marginal GCD difference).
Hope this explains what there seems to be confusion on your part on what I was referring to and talking about.