WoW: Chronicle Volume 1…
This was the case, atleast until Nzoth, where we found out we can just kill Old God easily in their own realm, by baiting them out of Azeroth.
His heart was found by Ra while Ra was on his way to install the forge of origination as it was simply laying around and unlike the rest of Y’shaarjs body was still alive. He sealed it away because he wanted to study it as to better understand the void and the old gods for himself and the other keepers. Nothing indicates that the titans couldn’t destroy it.
I think what can be said with regards to The Titans and The Old Gods is that the story told so far is like reading the bible - fiction and bias aplenty.
It doesn’t really add up with what we see around us on Azeroth and how we’ve interacted with The Old Gods or The Titans for that matter.
So there’s some source criticism to account for, I think. Which is part of the engaging story mystery.
I stand corrected… Aman’thul tried to ‘remove’ Y’shaarj & merely decimated its body (page 36).
Yes, I do own all three volumes.
And the part with Ra is on page 38. Also you don’t have to tell me that you have the chronicles as I do too.
Besides they all being visible online for free page by page.
You’re (seemingly) the one more eager to ‘score points’; I concede that I’m fallible - YOU WIN.
It also shows that I’m prepared to check details for my own sanity, if nothing else.
Know that me even OWNING a book is a big deal… I loathe reading books, in general.
I prefer to check them online. However having the source material deals with having to click through whatever just to get to the source itself rather than being able to roll back, grab the book and check faster since the time period something happened in makes it easy. Aside from the fact that more often than not the source is just “vol 1” rather than “vol 1, page 38” (although that was the case for the part with Ra)
Well; I read them once, when I got them then left them on a bookshelf to gather dust… that’s what books are for… looking at them for this exercise is only the second time that page has seen light. I only bought them ‘because’ they were WoW related.
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