Why the hate?

Oh before i go… I forgot to ask.

How does Worgen and taurens being based of Ancient furries shield them from somehow being furry races? Like you guys pull this denial card all the time, But never explain why.

Even tho both races are Antromorphic animal fantasy creatures. The very definition of a furry fantasy race. Its just so weak a card to pull. Suppose dracthyr aren’t furries either then… Since Dragons too are part of ancient mythology.

I guess Vulpera wouldn’t be furries either, If they where based of the Ancient Kitsune too and not fennec foxes with that logic.

You really are the Hate tank and shield of all furry races of WoW.

I dont like few races; not because of people playing it… It because its poorly written and not fit into lore.

I blame writers and dev… Even warcraft dev(without help of writers) did very good job in lore on which world of warcraft milking it till a day.


They aren’t furries. They havent even fur.

Scalies my brother… It’s called scalies. Same community. Stop pretending you guys have no internett basic knowledge of this.

They aren’t sexualized.

No thanks. These are sick people…

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“ancient furries”. They’re literally just monsters that would kill humans in their own fiction. I seriously don’t get the comparison. Is every humanoid animal a furry to you people? Are you people really blind or are you acting obtuse. Obviously a vulpera caters more to the furry community than a worgen or a tauren…

Not really;

I googled kitsune and it looks like a fox. Not even a humanoid. I doubt that Vulpera are based on Kitsune’s, Blizzard just saw desert foxes and thought money when they realised how many of the furry community were gonna play them to act out their fursonas lmao.

I feel the same way as you. This applies to mag’har and highmountain even.

Yeah but for the sake of this arguement… It helps to know what we’re talking about.

Yes… Yes they are. And im not even going to begin about how Minotaurs have been used as sex idols since ancient greek times. There are even minotaur idols you can buy there with literal erect you know what as fertility idols.

Yes really.

So this is not a furry race then? Id argue an even cooler Vulpera. But its based of Kitsune.
In its game its even named Kitsune. But with your logic and big brain. Not furries. Correct?

If only the Vulpera had gotten this treatment. I wonder if you’d hate on em as much then.

Problem is that you Focus so much in the way that they are furries. I don’t like vulpera for many reasons. I like Dracthyrs, worgens… (Not in a sexual way).

Sorry… it happens whenever Asjon and I collide. I can’t help it.

So… Tell me. What was the state of the darkspear and Tauren when Thrall found them?

What was the state of vulpera when the player found them?

Meanwhile the Horde you clamour about was killed of in WC2 and it’s remnants in Siege of Orgrimar.

I would say it’s about thematics, setting, immersion breaking.

Back in 2009 when I went through the entire horde story, I have seen them as tribal, honorful, nomadic, shamanistic. In contrast to the medieval alliance. As such, I never considered the undead really part of that horde. They’re there for symmetricity reasons and the fabricated lore must be the same as with blood elves: disappointment with the human kingdoms. (Even humans are, see the Defias, nothing to see.)

One can argue that the blood elves brought diplomacy, magic and culture to the horde, then the goblins were friends anyway and added technology. The pandaren were very cleary storybound.

I tend to look at WoW without factions, in that sense the horde is fine, brings in a great variety. The inclusive faction. On the other hand, the alliance setting is pretty much conservative. Overall easier to understand though because it’s way more coherent, less brutal (it’s all in the name of so-called justice), and visually more pleasing.

About that last one. I really like the horde cities. Love old Orgrimmar’s night sounds, with the dogs and wolves. Thunder Bluff. Gothic Undercity. But since Cataclysm it has become the lands of silly iron and tents, and that choice is obvious.


Minotaur wasn’t a sex idol but an abomination from a king that was hidden in a labyrinth. Did you read the book?

No, that’s one of the depiction of a furry yes, but there’s more to a furry than just “humanoid animal”.
Stop trying to change definitions.

That’s not a kitsune. Kitsune is a 3 tailed fox. Whoever did this just created art for themselves or someone else.

Yes because it still looks ridiculous.

The state of the human kingdoms:

Stormwind raised to the ground in the second war
Gilneas non existant and dealing with the worgen behind their gates
Lordaeron completely obliterated off the map
Jaina’s forces being tiny as her father controlled the majority of Kul’tiras.
Alterac kingdom destroyed
Dalaran neutral and wiped off the map by Archimonde.

I don’t seriously know what this has to do with the Horde. Do you know what the Horde did? They killed literally every single race within Durotar and Kalimdor to make way for its settlements. The Tauren built Thunder Bluff, the Orcs built Orgrimmar. Can you guess how many Kobolds, Quilboar and harpies that must’ve fallen to their hands in the 4 years between Warcraft 3 and vanilla wow?

You lot claim you “know so much” about lore but in general speaking all I get is parrot sentences I’ve read countless amount of times because no one took the time themselves to explain the whole picture to you people.

A non existant prior to Legion race that should’ve made way for countless amount of other races that could’ve been added.
They were still desert scavengers, meanwhile the Horde built the mighty warrior fortress of Orgrimmar and Thunder Bluff.

You literally do not know anything of the Horde then.

In vanilla WoW the Horde even had the original clans of the Orcish Horde in its ranks. The shattered hand were the rogue faction, the Warsong, the Frostwolf, even the Burning Blade were still active…

Hence why it’s called ORGRIMmar and BLADEFIST bay.


Although one could still argue that the state of forsaken and blood elves made them fitting candidates to seek alliance with the Horde.

Meanwhile night elves somehow ended up becoming the pet punching bag of the Alliance when the only encounter they had with it was a brief one where the silver hand helped them deal with illidan.

All in all, the faction system have been a mistake on the game.


Did you read the part where a human woman or goddess had sex with a Bull that then gave birth to the minotaur? I know the damn story its not the point! I just think its a weak shield in this arguement. And yes I know there are such idols, Cause i remember very well my friends mother buying one for display in their living room after their greece vecation. And we all had very much fun bullying him about it.

There are indeed many. You are hung up about the sexual ones. There are believe it or not furries out there that just want to dress up and pretend they are fantasy characters. But you have been only exposed to its worst side.

If they aren’t a kitsune. then Vulpera aren’t fennec foxes.

And yes they are kitsune. Stop this please.

Whatever… Your just hopeless.

The Vulpera found the speaker of the Horde :wink:
But answer to your question:
Many vulpera became seafaring, traders or pirates (or exploreres)
Most of them remained in Vol’dun in their burrows or caravans
The Sethrak enslaved a lot of those vulpera
Kiro’s caravan helped the Speaker of the Horde and the Zandalari (later Kiro taged along the Horde, but aside his Caravan, the vulpera either independent or pirate/trader/merchant or vol’dunai - and now it turned out they helped to found the artisan’s consurtium)
The alliance burned a caravan
The Vulpera never were on the edge of extinction like the Tauren, Orc, Darkspear, Blood Elf or now the Forsaken…

Small remants off them, which got killed off in Siege.

Cause Thrall wanted to honour his heritage (Which backfired badly by promoting garrosh to warchief).

And you clearly never played Warcraft 3.

Eh, as race none of them were near extinction. Even if bloodhoof was wiped out there would still be the grimtotem, for darkspear there were the plenty off troll factions. Only one truly at risk of “extinction” were the forsaken.

Yes, this was done as punishment by the king. There’s nothing sexual about this story. It was quite literally rape. She even died giving birth to said creature.

That’s not what a furry is. Furries have fursonas where they act like creatures. Jt’s damn cringe.

It’s not a kitsune then, if the real life legend is a 3 tailed fox. Now I know what vulpix and ninetales is based upon thanks to you, but just because another franchise took it upon themselves to create fox humanoids doesn’t make your argument valid.

The thing is, Vulpera are an insult. Because I can name a dozen races right now that could’ve been added, and were part of the franchise for over a decade over this furry bait race.

??? no they were not? They’re still within the Horde.
Even the Dragonmaw clan is still alive and well.

So that means the Warcraft 2 Horde was still there.

That’s funny because I have the CDs laying right next to me so I don’t have to play that abomination called reforged.

Blizzard said 90% hight elves died after Arthas invasion in silvermoon.