I will stand up for myself, if Blizzard don’t want that or like that, well they can kiss my furry…
Hate threads or posts are allowed for left leaning people, if you’re more towards the right, you’re shut down, it’s all over the internet, not just here. I won’t let myself be shut up, they can ban me all they want, I don’t care.
Fair point, people seem to be dividing themselves like this (or they let it happens basically, divide on conquer, that’s what’s going on atm).
Left hatred, well, as soon as you say something more right leaning, they will basically compare you to Adolf H. e.g., like in my country. The door is basically open, everyone can come in, we work our a…es off since these people get everything for free, on the side, they also rob, they r.pe, etc etc, but of course, we can’t say anything about it.
I shouldn’t have asked this question. I should not! have asked! this question!
So i suppose I fall under the leftist hate category in this setting then. Since i said im growing resentful towards others who resent others over WoW races. I guess.
Grandmama always said: “Hnggg hkkkkr ughhhh krrrk” usually after too much fremented Whistleboom pomegranate “juice”
But she also said: "Do not be distracted by the pincers when it is the tail that can kill you…”
Joke or not. Some people genuinely do feel this way.
But fantasy fascism isn’t a thing so… What do i know
Some people when they see a Vulpera
Perhaps fits your average hater better.
I despite what it make look like in this thread with Asjon. Actually blame Blizzard more than i do him or players like him for this happening. Blizzard knew exactly whitch fanbase and faction they choose to add this playable race too. And it could have been done allot better for all of us. No malicious mind about blizzard. But they knew the reaction this would get.