Why the hell after months is dark soul still dispellable?!

I wouldnt have problem for Dark Soul to be dispelable if it wasnt a talent…

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Daily Reminder, feels awesome having a tier 7 talent being stolen, purged, dispelled !! GREAT design Blizzard !


I’m telling you, this is just so we pick the other two talents, in certain situation.

im sure there are so many situations that dont involve mage/shaman/priest in arenas right

They are all meta or close to meta classes, so there are a lot of fights against those classes.

That does not change the fact, that a lvl 50 talent is a magic effect. With that change Dark Soul and combustion are in the same lvl with the difference that combustion is not a talent and mages cash reduce the cd

i should have added /s i guess

I Hope in 9.1 fix that becouse is talent and is istand dispell we cant protect (minors buffs shield what ever) and is Good buff for mage?? plz blizz that is not joke. exaple wings of pala which are stronger was in that faite. and you fix it. now lock are in that situesion. mage compash is skill and he got lengedary to protect easy cross cc also. and his damage is instand. no compere with dark soul that we got more damage in CAST chaos bolt. and the other options are not good options for pvp

Reminder that current Blizzard and WoW dev doesn’t have brains, talent and desire not just make warlock good in terms of gameplay, but they also unable to make WoW as a whole a good game.

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the least they could do is if they refuse to make ds unpurgeable is make undending breath a magic buff and give us some more trash buffs (dark intent PLZ) to cover our ds with.

So much useful spells removed… we could be so good, if the devs would unprune us in the right way

Still no new on this, thread bump !

And don’t forget to bring back Dark Soul Knowledge

It could be a potential replacement for Sacrificed Souls. I can’t see it happening and I’m not sure it’s the right thing to do, to be honest.

Secondary stats get DR’d beyond a certain percentage now.

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I know but it would end in a bigger Tyrant or not?
I still think, Dark Soul is the better “Burst” than Tyrant.

The tyrant would do extra damage, but when you take into consideration Misery and Istability, they both offer more than just damage. Misery increases shard gen and Instability has a chance to increase shard gen whilst also increasing the damage of Chaosbolt.

DS Knowledge was just a flat mastery increase increase. It’s kinda pointless, boring and does less for demo than it does for the other 2 specs.

That’s true but for it feels that demo is not a post of the class because they don’t share the same burst CD.
Every spec has its big demon, close to same def except SL and Demon Armor and same cc.

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