Why the nerf on priest shields?

Its the only good part priests have over other healers.
Unlimited mana as a shammy.
The insane sustain with hots from druids.
Amazing group healing from mages.
Play horde, so dont have experience with pally healing. But im sure they have some strong points to.
I could understand if priests had 2-3 other ways of speccing to then balance things.
But to nerf the best tool they have, rather than uplift the other tools. Feels a bit bs.

Maybe because they are stupid OP to the point any other healer is a waste of raidspot

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maybe cuz other healer can’t even play the game ? mage hots 15ppl and priest pre shield make it impossible for other healer to play the game.

You mean the part where as another healer you cant really counter?

Do you just ignore the facts:

  • priest shields are better than anything else?
  • priests have 25%ish overheal whereas everyone else sits at 60-80% overheal?
  • priests have a better mana button than resto druids?
  • 1 button gameplay?

Can you honestly tell us: Do you enjoy spamming 1 button as a heal?

*So just because an addon is saying that shielding dont produce overhealing. it must be nerfed?
*Never did spam just shields. Use most of the tools in my arsenal.

Yeah its only the one addon who does it. Totally.
Oh so you use Renew and CoH too? Great! Whats your priest name and what server? Then we can acually look if you telling the truth :slight_smile:

Dont be ignorant… you know the nerf was needed and now you are mad that you must use more healing spells to stay the best healer…

Why are those magical priests that only spam shields? i dont get it.
If a target takes 40% of their health points in damage and you shield em.
They wont magicaly get those hp back.