Why the retcon on how Queen Azshara was?

Doing one of the quests in Er Naz something :stuck_out_tongue: Got a nice semi animated cut scene showing Azshara trying to save her people? By this time she already made a pact with the legion sacrificing her people and forcing her mages to keep portals open 24/7 she doesn’t seem to be the protector type.

It was her world crumbling around her. She couldn’t accept the fact that her Empire was over.
It’s very well connected to her vanity and arrogance that was always a core part of her character.
Also, believe it or not - but those Highborne who are begging for help, they are also Legion supporters. It was a clever coy that Blizzard tried to pull with this, but those Highborne were her supporters and were also a cause for the Sundering of the World (in a manner of speaking.)

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Its been a while since I read the books but wasn’t it the dragons soul that did that not the legion?

Well, that’s why I said “in a manner of speaking.”

She was the one who ordered for immense study of the well, which sent ripples into the Nether and drew Sargeras.
It was her actions and choice making that gave the Legion a strong base of operations to invade Azeroth (Zin’Azshari.)
It was her Highborne and herself, that believed themselves better than the rest and wanted a world of perfection.

All of this, plus more, means that she shares the responsibility of Sundering, Kalimdor. If it were not for her or Xavius, the Kaldorei Empire would have lasted longer.

I don’t remember the well part, Didn’t Sargeras feel her power and made contact with her? Though I liked that the pitlord was scared of her as a Highborne :stuck_out_tongue:

Not exactly.

Under her orders, her Highborne were plumbing the depths of the Well with immense power, which sent arcane ripples through the Nether and attracted Sargeras’ attention.
It was only his servants, like Mannoroth, who recognized what sort of power she held and that it was immense - a power that only his lords would prove superior.

No, Sargeras only dealt with Xavius.

All the demons thought her just an air headed figurehead until said Pitlord sensed her power, but that was near the end of the trilogy.

EDIT: Pitlord tried to kill her i should say, like an insignificant gnat, but then realised with abject terror that he would never be able to strike her down and she may be as powerful as Archimonde.

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as others said, she realy didnt care at all about her people she only cared about her empire that was about to explode, she was realy fast to accept N´zoths gift also, and she even stood up against him saying she will be queen, and then we get to know that in Nazjatar she is actualy plotting to kill N´zoth and rule buy her self.

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