warmode pvp offers boosted rewards for both races and causes some huge open world massacres and scenes that you won’t get anywhere else. however its not the reward that makes me click that button whenever I go into stomrwind. granted I farm my rep but I do that solo, I don’t even get the quests for pvp gear like others may do. I press the button because the conflict brings some pretty messed up people together. it can start with a player getting killed, and then a party retaliating, then a raid force, then an entire floor of corpses and curses, netomatics, ritual sacrifices and flags. but even when it pisses me off that I get ganked sometimes, I laugh about it when I go to sleep, it makes stories of things that just don’t happen when levelling normally. In fact the character rostaria I have, that was a rogue made due to a promise I made to a horde player. in stranglethorn vale I was levelling, using the warmode gains at the time because that’s all I saw. until some hunter dropped from the sky and threw me round like a sweet nothing, he did it again and again and I ended up logging on my main and butchering them. then it hit the fan, a full horde raid force obliterated stranglethorn, other alliance players banded up and we had a huge battle for hours, and even though we gained nothing, we had a laugh, we met people and we even know some of the horde and talk in thalassian and reminisce of the horrific stuff we did and what we will do. granted it’s my opinion, others may not agree, but warmode is fun for me even without those rewards, all I have to do is go to duskwood or stranglethorn and find those gankers, or go to nazmir or zalandar for my dailies and just hop in to some clustercluck of an argument. personally I want the gains balanced because in reality it doesn’t matter for me. I just want to make more stories and get sapped, ganked and thrown around so I can develop a battleground of my own. if you agree why not share some messed up story you have? share why you like warmode, people say horde or alliance gank or do some dirty tactics, but let’s be honest. not one side smells of roses, but the warmode chaos is what unites us as players of warmode.
PS. Thanks to those hordies who gave me a brutal warmode and thanks again for changing me into someone who can laugh at the crap we do to you eachother. Tick one whiny player off the list and keep giving brutal content
Yes; conflict, chaos, kill, die, kill, destroy those pixels! Love WM open world non linear no rules wpvp! Gank, be ganked, solo, group, 1v1, 1v40, 40v1, and everything in between. S’all awesome.
It’s definitely refreshing to have something that is unpredictable and snap in a heartbeat. It can bring a nice kick to the day after some repetitive dungeons and farming. Warmode is like its own game XD it has great moments even when you’re at the end of the gun barrel. If I could, I’d make a warmode con. XD
All above is exactly why I love War Mode - unpredictability of unscripted environment, random players, friends and foes I can meet to fight together and against, unexpected events and stories that made by players and their choices to be somewhere an do something, operations, intentions, retaliations and hunts, huge playing space of open world where anything can happen, no limitations or constraints, just a freedom to be on an adventure you want to be and create. I love when players, their decisions and actions are a content for other players and vice versa - those are best stories, experiences and memories that can happen in MMO.
Exactly, and even if one day it’s too much or you’re not in the mood you can turn it off, have a bottle of kiante with someone’s organs and then you can go back to living the crazy parts of the game. Some of us are even remembered by others in warmode and we carry a meaning to our characters name x3 your gameplay means something and it is remembered like your actions matter more than a raid or dungeon. You have an actual impact
I wish there was a communication / social tool in-game to make these stories happen more often. Like a “World Defense” chat channel that announce different attacks in the world, not just your local area. But it’s quite impossible/pointless with sharding.
So maybe an additional tab / group in LFG, where you can see/post current conflicts, levelers ganked, etc, that players create from all servers/shards in the region. With the difference from current sections in LFG - thematically separated for ease of access for both - posters who were ganked/overwhelmed by opposite numbers, and those who seek where to go and whom to help. Maybe even make it a default section if WM is on.
A tool that will give players some control of how many PvP oriented players on their shard with them and will allow players to solve WPvP problems by themselves and other players, instead of crying on forums. At least more easily and more successfully because it’s a thematically separated section.
But most importantly - a possibly to create a story an invite others to join, even if it’s something like “I’ve stumbled upon this notorious group in “location”, join me and let’s see what they’ve got” or “it’s a gankers paradise - let’s go!”.
Was kristaria, you’re actually the hunter too, nowadays you can pwn my dk, your gear is alot better than back then, however I have kept true XD the rogue is levelling and gearing alright.
Very nice post, describes my feelings exactly. I am glad there are people like you with this way of thinking (there’s also Coolgrove, and Vaeyn of course), but we mostly see complains here on the forums, from people who do not feel this thrill…
I like the chaos and unpredictability of wm, no limitations. To the players that complain that this chaos is too much for them, I played other MMO’s where our wm is nothing compared to the brutal constant gank there was. I’d say here things are quite calm even. The only problem with the current wm I see is that some players, for which wm is not their thing, are forced into it because of rewards.
When I meet an enemy player I would like to believe he’s having the same fun as me, doesn’t matter win or lose, that we both are enjoying the wpvp environment. But there also seem to be frustrated players who want to get it done as soon as possible and turn wm off, or want it to be changed in their ways. Wpvp always was and always will be one thing - no rules, chaos, unpredictability and merciless war.
These pve rewards are IMO a big mistake. In the past there was no reward for playing on pvp realms.
I realize that if they remove pve rewards there might be less players to participate, but if they create many new wpvp objectives this might attract more hardcore wpvp-ers from other games, who knows.