Why was mop cloak, wod ring, legendary gems removed?

I recently replayed Draenor and Pandaria remix and found out that the legendary quests have been removed from the game! I know that for some the quests were unessential or time wasting, but for me it was core lore to the stories of both expansions! Now when I go to Khadgars tower on Draenor, it is just a zone. Nothing can be done.

So, why does blizzard delete these quests, and is there any way to get them to put them back into the game?

Generally, it is to clean up quests in the game and/or non-relevant items. For example, having 2 legendary items 1 from the past still present and one in the current doesn’t make much sense. So they tend to clean up after awhile.

Yes’no you can make a suggestion ingame. Like for transmog purposes, its not likely the actual legendary stuff will come back again save for Classic Progression if they keep moving the x-pac up.

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