Why we can not report people for abusing votekick system?

I woud say that resons like “wadfnaujdwa” are very fair and if other players agree with then its very democratic to kick that player

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The game is full of toxic griefers that love to inflict pain upon others in all ways possible, not only verbally but in all ways there is possible to waste peoples time or degrade them in other ways. There are 0 supervision from blizzard and its a wild west. And if you get mass reported they wont even look into it, they always take the side of the bullies with automatic answers. Most servers probably dont have GMs playing at all at this point.

Blizzard should go undercover and do some RDF and give out some perma accountbans to root out inherently toxic players who votekick and grief to inflict pain on others.

I agree with you that a 30minute deserter debuff for getting kicked is too harsh, but that was to stop people joining the Oculus and then demanding that they get votekicked so that they didn’t get deserter (That’s how it worked when RDF first came out).

What should happen is that you get no penalty for your first or second votekick, then the more you get votekicked, the higher your deserter debuff starts to ramp up. Random kicks happen sure, but if you get ‘randomly’ kicked from so many dungeons then I’m afraid you’re the common denominator.

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just another good reason to be able to BL certain garbage dungeons from RDF. Nobody liked Oculus and hardly anyone likes long cataclysm dungeons that have loads of RP/Trash/ETC. in there.
Then again:
Why can we BL Random BGs but not dungeons? People autoleave DM at this point.

It’s a common thing for many, just look at the topics because of deserter. Ramping it will be fine, but people will prolly find a way to abuse that too.

I often get kicked out for no reason.

The solution for me is to cancel my subscription and uninstall the game.

The toxic people should stay to themselves. :wink:

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i crashed in a boss, logged back , got flamed and insulted and got kicked from the dung without saying a word
for days i kept getting blizzard warnings until i got silenced for 7 days , dont even know why or who did it
made a ticket , closed
made a forum thread, deleted and got 1 day silence

:smiley: enjoy


I just got vote kicked for miss-clicking need on a green item, while levelling. And now i have 30 min deserter. I am so done with this game and the community.


What? I’ve had premade groups doing like 20+ votekicks in one Dungeon.

Please dont act dumb, you know what he is talking about.

sounds totally like someone who abuses the system and in his spare time likes to be a toxic forum troll.


You give people the power to kick other players without that player even knowing it until they get tped out and unable to progress the game for 30 minutes.

You do this knowing how many trolls are out there, how protected people feel behind a screen to let loose toxic behaviour.

Those people could literally do 4 man premade and kick everyone as soon as they join to make “X” number of players unable to progress the game for 30 minutes.

Why do you even try to justify this? This votekick system is terrible because people can abuse it 24/7.

Today someone tried to kick me for the whole time we were doing BRD because we were 3 rangeds in the group and all needed witching hourglass.

Another time I got kicked for not using BR on a 5k dps dude that died for the 3rd time in the same run. My BR was on CD, i was using my aoe silence, innervate and tranq any time was required, and I got kicked before this other dps. You know what? this person was in the same guild as the tank and another dps.

Yesterday I votekicked a 6k dps aoe demo warlock (4k on bosses) that literally played with no pet, wasnt using meta/demon soul, etc… as I appreciate my time, I dont want to carry a person that won’t even bother to google his class for guides. The vote kick failed twice because a guildie was protecting him. He also got the orb at the end and ninja’d tank item.

So yea, your vote kick system is like really bad and completely useless from my experience as people abuse it to kick others or to not kick griefers.

Please stop defending it and do something about it, or at least reduce the deserter debuff if you get kicked.

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Did you read what I wrote? How is anyone carrying me if I’m well above on gear and dps that the rest? They didn’t want to carry me? They literally abused the system to ensure they get certain item or simply because they found it funny even tho im outperforming them.

I vote kicked a person that is making my playing experience slower by not putting a minimum effort, that’s a valid reason to vote kick someone just as a ninja puller or afk wasting rest of the group’s time.

You are comparing two obvious different things. Votekicking someone for fun/prio loot and votekicking someone who is wasting all the group’s time… your comparison makes absolutely no sense.

Not just my own benefit, but everyone else benefit. What’s then the proper way to use the votekick system if is not for protecting people that actually want to play the game from a bot minded player? If the performance is that bad, it is not much different than kicking an afk player.

Wasting other people time in a game where you need to play with other people to progress is disrespectful and i would call that disruptive behaviour.

That’s the problem, how can you as a player defend from a 4 or 3 man premade that abuse this? I get your point, if I can do it, anyone else can do it… but the situations are different.

So you are hoping on people having good intentions and being honest? You justify both cases? Instead of looking for alternatives you are telling me that you are just gonna accept that the system is unfair and anyone can grief anyone so we are all at the same level?

What if I never vote kicked that person (that couldn’t even do it because a guildie was protecting him)? Would you still tell me that a 6k dps player that died on every pack is carrying me so the votekick was justified and I have to cope with people randomly making unable to progress the game for 30m?

So we’re back to this again. The groups I was kicked off from thought I was wasting their time by outperforming everyone else and commit to my role and kicked me, I then said it is abusive. I then said someone else is wasting another 4 players time and proceeded to do the exact same thing to him.

You can keep saying that im a hypocrite but you are ignoring the fact that is two different situations.

Actually, forget for a moment I tried to vote kick someone. What should I do if a premade kick me for fun or for loot prio? Should I just assume that those people are not abusing the system and they had an actual good reason for making me unable to progress the game for 30 minutes?

Because they dont give a crap. Not their problem.

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These threads are a good way to get these toxic people to reveal themselves. I already gave up on this game and these people filled with so much negativity and elitism but if If I’d still play I would start filling my ignore list


Must’ve changed the system then, back in OG Cata each party had one kick. If you removed somebody from your group then whoever joined next could hold your entire group to ransom, you had no way of removing them.

Of course I do, perhaps read more than the first 4 words next time: People not wanting you in their group is a valid reason.

I prefer to be cold and to the point, I’m not here to make you feel better.

You’re expecting random people to just carry you, while you disappear for your 4th cigarette break or to answer the door for the 8th time. Friends don’t mind picking up slack, but you can’t expect random people to.

Players should be able to vote kick for any or no reason, there’s no denying that, but why are players who did nothing wrong being punished with deserter debuff only because they were placed into PUG with toxic people?

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It’s not even about voting people out, but what is the reason for getting Deserter too?

And the lesson you should take from this is find a guild Play with guildies.

Pugging is literaly the worst possible way to Play MMORPG.

Sure you can Play this way but you yourself are finishing your experience.

i agree, the game is impossible to play as solo
HUGE difference !

but the issue is that Blizz decisions and designs are the cause of this situation, which is people need to avoid each other ingame to be able to avoid harm and report abuse !
i personally dont disagree with reporting people to clean up the game and ensure a good environment , but you need to do it properly not provide the ingame toxic dogs with atools to abuse to harm everybody else.

we all seen how the report system is AI automated and stupid
we all seen many players got targeted with the spam report
either we like it or not, this community is insanely toxic and harmful, to a point that you get afraid to step out and play with pugs ,speaking of what i have experienced ( 6 years of classic and retail ) and also what my closest friends have experienced.
best case scenario is to find a regular discord or a guild to play with in peace, other than that you can get banned or silenced for a small argument in a dungeon

i personally disagreed with people in Gehennas discord about the state of the game, i have never received such a huge amount of insults and racism, they mocked me for days and they put my character in their blacklist addon just for speaking a different point of view.
its just insane
be careful and get a guild

If there’s any actual feedback you would like to give about the topic you can do so through the suggestion box. Even if you don’t play the game you can login a free toon and add a suggestion.

I think it’s important to give Blizzard feedback through proper channels so they can keep improving this wonderful game.

ofc its possible. just dont fail.

i got full 346 dps and tank gear solely from spamming dungoens solo and jp :slight_smile:

problem of many people is that they are really really really bad at playing games.

which is ok . but they pretend that its their god given right to be carried just because its mmorpg.