Why we can not report people for abusing votekick system?

Since vote kick gone out of control and if there is no penalty people loves to abuse the system, why can not e report oe why there is no penalty for votekik abusers?

I think vote kicking people without a valid reason should be punished too.
Since it seems a legal act to kick people without a proper reason and steal their time in wow dungeons we actually need the penalties designed to be a deterrent against it.

Well since Blizzard acts like a small indie company…


There is a penalty, each party has a limitted number of vote kicks.

Define a valid reason? People not wanting you in their group is a valid reason to me.

Nobody ‘steals’ your time. But by that logic, if you’re god awful at the game and are a hinderence to the group, are you stealing the group’s time?

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You posted in another similar topic but, Blizzard has deemed the act of kicking for any or no reason an acceptable option. Because of this, essentially the use of VTK is not against the rules and cannot be reported even if a “bogus” reason were to be inserted.

The only thing that can be reported is if you were harassed in chat which is a seperate thing from VTK.

As Miylee said above, it is a system designed to protect the group against a damaging individual, such severe abuse we’ve seen happen in the early days before VTK was implemented.

Edit: If you got suggestions on how to improve the VTK system please add it through the ingame suggestion box too! Your feedback is appreciated.

I never anwser yes on vote kick people for performance issue. I could vote yes to kick someone AFK for more than 5 minutes (a dungeon run is like 15-25 minute, if you go afk for 1/3rd of the time, you’re leeching) or disconnected for more than 5 minutes, but never because low DPS.

We’ve all been beginners once, i do not mind carrying a new player at all, as a long time ago, i too have been carried when i started wow.


To be honest;

  • if people do not want me in their party its their problem, cause of that i do not deserve 30 minute dungeon deserter debuff.
  • actually people stealing my time and thets the problematic part of this system. They do not kick cause u’re awful, im pretty geared actually much more geared than people who kickcs me just because i told them acting like theat will cause a problem and they should respect dungeon mechanics since we got low geared healer or dps. Even i tank i have the top dps even on boss single target … Thats the problem and if cause of that i have to wait 30 minute deserter debuff… I would say DUCK that logic.

So… where would you have evidence, that it was an “invalid” reason?

That is not a penalty, by any definition.

They did not. ‘any reason’ ≠ ‘no reason’. *Please don’t falsify Terms of Service.*←I retract, it is there in a support article. No reason is perfectly fine, of course.

It is their problem. And because they are the majority, they can do something about it.

You’ve already been told previously that a VTK for any or no reason in over multiple topics is considered a Blizzard policy, including a direct quote from said article.

Players may choose to remove any other player from the group for any reason, provided the vote to kick passes.

No as I explained here too:

It is already not violating a policy of Blizzard. Namely:

Which means, unless stated otherwise in a Blizzard article or forum thread, the general terms and so forth tells players they can’t grief (simplified) or players may report them for that.

An exclusion is then made in the article for VTK in dungeons, that using this is not considered griefing as enabled by Blizzard.

On one hand you say people can abuse it. Then directly you also say this:

The same feeling can be said for the other people who kicked you: They didn’t want to carry you. Is that also abuse? If yes, but you used the same reason against other people… If not, why not for you and for them it does?

That is why Blizzard doesn’t make a discernment as player opinion varies by POV - it either goes through or not and that is what makes it valid.

And yet again, below you state you would abuse the system too. Promptly saying you did it for differing reasons yet the outcome is the same. You used the votekick to your own benefit, not necessarily to remove actual disruptive behaviour.

In your opinion. It could be considered griefing by others. Which is something you cannot see: Plainly because you think someone makes your experience slower. An more elite player/group who thinks you are beneath them could then make it a “valid” reason to kick you - like the ant problem of the “lazy ant worker”.

So we’re back to this again. The groups you were kicked off from thought you were wasting their time and kicked you, you then said it is abuse. You then said someone else is wasting your time and proceeded to do the exact same thing to them.

Suggestions are still welcome through the ingame box if you have anything about the VTK system though.

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Alright, for some reason you link did not work for me on your first response. Still, this is directly in conflict with terms of service. Still, touché.

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Well if there were a report system for that then it will not my job to investigate it; its Blizzard’s job to investigate it . just like reporting people for botting.

Well u’re toally wrong. It is dungeon finder and there is a reward cause of that. If they just do not want me in their group just because i need a chaos orb or just because i share a loot with them then they are the ones who has to make a specific group and go for majority’s desiers. I do not have to get an undeserved 30 minte dungeon deserter debuff.

Imo the best solution to all of the votekicking problems would be if blizzard implemented 2 separate queue for rdf: 1 queue is for normal players and second one for experienced players. Ruleset would be: 1 queue - you can kick anyone but the kicked people will not get a deserter for that, since this type of queue would be designed for relaxed and nooby type of gameplay. The 2nd queue for true pros would have everything we have currently with giving deserter for kick. Then probably it would be wise for nooby players to join normal queue and for sweaty gamers to find likeminded people in queue for pros. That could be one effective way to resolve the long term issue with votekicks.
Tbh, it doesn’t look fair to punish player with 30min debuff if you just did not like them, although there might be clowns but still it is rather rare occurrence. Also to fight that you can implement something like getting penalty after being kicked 3+ times in a row

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You seem like a person who would be kicked for a reasonable matter tbh

I wonder what you do to get kicked this much.

I’ve never had this problem

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I have been kicked two days in a row now. And I never get kicked.

Reason? I only asked if we could kill Setesh while in Halls of Origination. Yesterday I got kicked for asking that right of the bat as soon as the guild-team could, like after two trashpacks. It’s beyond me how low this playerbase have sunk. I’m done.

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That’s hardly a penalty, you believe this to be a good penalty but that’s an illusion.

The only reason why you should get ever kicked if you are disruptive to the pug dungeon, not because of personal reasons.

Ignorance doesn’t make this a non issue. People who abuse the report system can get banned, but people abusing the vote kicks can’t? That’s some BS logic.

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Yes, Writing any thing beyond ”Hi” or ”Good day”

Will most certainly get you kicked.

The community is weird like that.


So you are saying if you queue as Rogue for example, you want the dagger from the boss. It takes 15-30min to get into the dungeon.

Oh wait its a 3-4man premade (or 2 premades and 1 dull one clicking yes automatically) and they also got a rogue who wants the dagger, it is valid for them to kick you and give you deserter debuff.

Seems legit

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That’s not how this works.

People can kick you for whatever reason they want, that’s how a ‘vote’ works. Disrupting runs warrents a punishment, not just a group kick.

That is how things work, yes.

The system is automated and you can report people for anything so you may as well do it anyways

It is call democracy, if people dont like you or dont want to play with you they can kick you fore what ever reason they want , from your nick to your transmog to your performance

Not what Blizzard orginally intended back whenever Cata came out. It was added to stop players from keeping dungeons hostage. Not because of personal reasons.
It ain’t changing the fact that a good chunk of vote kicks are simply BS and personal to begin with.
Which do not warrant a 30min lockout for a personal reason someone came up with. And since blizzard is incompetent of tracking it they should take it out.

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