Well there is ingame, buffed trolls that is. they are the forest trolls (Amani and the Revantusk trolls and Ice trolls from Northrend the Drakkari) and I agree that trolls should get that option. Best would be give the trolls the option to be buffed size so one could play buffed sand troll or buffed Darkspear troll for those who want to as there is no really need for place buffed trolls in a new race slot. One day maybe they will but they would need updated model. I do want a Forest troll character that looks like the Forest trolls from Warcraft 2. Red hair, dark green skin and red warpaint.
I wonder if they are bigger humans as some think, we seen a kultiran paladin in the trailer. The Arathi are ancient humans after all, altough I would have wished they were more like they were when they left EK as Barbarians. But maybe they will give more customizations for Kultiran.