Why won't they let max levels to able scale with old content (world)?

If so they might need to standardize “max level Chromie time”, or ignore set bonuses (they give you one fixed one), anyway I am not the one who will tell or decide how it will happen.
They most likely think of a best and “easy” plan, if they ever want to do it. So the questions beg, why won’t they give us (a reason)?
(also if they do want to give us the option, it’s NOT needed as soon as possible ofc, lol, they need time for these things.)

PS. in the end of the day if it’s not worth it, they just won’t bother with it :D.

But is very possible if you go kill rares in BFA zones. How do I know? I did it before I got DF, as it was the only way for me to get gear…

Good thing they can just scale down your ilvl to match ilvl 194…

That tuning already exists.

Sure - but those stats are already done and there.

No it doesnt - except that the mobs in open world wont be elites (except those few that are).

You’re not gonna one-shot mobs at level 60, if you’re ilvl is also brought down to 194. It’s that simple - and since that ilvl is already available at level 60 in Chromie Time (Hell, even outside Chromie Time). It’s already there.

And that’s a players choice to feel like - but if it’s already there, and the tuning is already there, whats the issue?

Stormwind, where Chromie is?

You can’t even do that now, so why would it work so in this hypothetical scenario?

You can’t even do that now, so why would it work so in this hypothetical scenario?

It is, because it already exists in-game currently. They just dont allow you to get smacked down to level 60.

Nope - it’s already in-game.

Thank bloody hell you’re not, you dont seem to care about fun.

And why would you? The balancing already exists, which I’ve said multiple times.

Okay Bobby Kotick - but you being anti-fun is also counter productive…

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Again, a hassle to achieve nothing.

It requires certain amount of coding and development, so a current dev must stop working on the future content and focus on this, and if I was an executive in blizzard, I would consider this as a counter-productive act.

It’s a life service, so they are always developing a future content. This would be possible if they hired people who specifically work on old content only.

Yes, and I would even say it’s not even an amazing idea at all. Yeah it’s good to have less oneshots, but it’s a game for people created by people, so it cannot be perfect in everything.

Again, there’s a massive difference between 194 ilvl and 447. If you want, you can gear 194 ilvl and duel someone 70 level with heroic raid gear and see what happens.

If every mob is scaled, some will overperform, some will underperform. To avoid this, they will have to balance things, which they will not, that’s why wow is all about oneshots even if you are low level. It’s just not worth balancing. It’s not worth taking people who make dungeons and raids to balance gnolls in Elwyn forest.

Which is just oneshotting left and right anyways.

Again, these are 1-2 shots too.

So open world mobs and dungeon mobs do not function differently? And open world and dungeons are both linear with very few maneuvers? And you can also fly in dungeons, right?

Almost all my characters destroy things left and right at level 60. If you want this not to happen, you have to tune it.

It’s not a tuning, it’s just a very simple scaling to create the illusion of tuning.

And then a rare spawns that has a mount drop chance, but oh no, you are not in stormwind, and this rare is OP now and you can’t kill it now.

You can’t do it now because it’s not needed, because most of the mobs are getting oneshotted if it’s not a hard raid or dungeon.

Because if you want good experience with level 60s, you have to put efforts on tuning. If you just scale them up like it is now, you turn 1 shot into 2 shot, and I don’t see much of a difference between these two.

It is possible to scale them up with a snap of a finger and turn 1 shots into 2-3 shots, but is it worth it? Why should players be able to turn off a core aspect of an mmo, which is crazy outleveling and oneshotting for a small group of people?

Tuning is not in the game, scaling is.

If making 1 shot into 2 shot is fun for you, I have bad news for you.

I don’t think you quite understand the difference between scaling and balancing.

The game is perfectly fun now, at least for me. And when you get your devs to tune 17 years old mobs for Havi from the forum to 2 shot them, you won’t deliver new raids and new dungeons. That must be a lot fun.

Good PoV, we’ll see how it plans out, most likely will have a 59 lvl twink for old content and main for new ones, and not touch old content with main at all… (except how much i had until now).
As they won’t introduce account-bound quest done (not achievement) (or shared between two characters).

No - dungeon mobs are just elites.


Dont know what this has to do with using scaling on mobs that already exists.

Don’t know what you’re fighting in Chromie time at level 60 then.

I fail to see the problem.

Tough :poop: then I guess? Because you’re also gonna be in your own phased Chromie time, just like when you’re leveling. So if its up in that time, doesnt mean it’ll be up in ‘‘proper’’ time.

Sounds like a you problem.

If enough people wants it? Yes. They already have it available and snap their fingrs.

Why should players not be able to do old zones with the proper level if they so desire? It’s just something they can turn on if they so desire.

Need a source for that so called ‘‘small group of people’’.

Exactly - which is what they’re asking for.

I never said I would use it.

Subjective is fun.

And I dont remember seeing something about balancing, but being scaled down.

Ah yes - for you. The only current WoW player, and the entire game should continue revolving around your idea of fun. Great. Kill me already.

Nobody said tuning - they said scaled down.

Yeah, cuz you’d lose out on new dungeons and raids for them to give players and option to be scaled the F down which is ALREADY IN THE GOD DAMN GAME.

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I can see why timewalking stops at level 60. I understand they want to have you level through the current content. Though, I wouldn’t mind a Chromie-time for max level characters. One way could perhaps be to use the downscaling tech they already use for Timewalking like many others have suggested.
I have no idea how much of a task it would be to implement, but since the tech already exist, I wouldn’t think it’s too much hassle?

But, it kinda has to be a toggle in my opinion. If someone wants to breeze through for the story / mogs / achievements, then they shouldn’t have to spend longer time in outleveled content than necessary.

I can maybe see Blizzard implement something like this if it’s rather easy to do. Especially since technically, you can XP-lock an alt at level 59 and have everything available to you that way.

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So first you said they are the same, now you say they are not the same cuz they are elites. Interesting…

Please tell me the ratio or percentage of the dungeons where you can fly, thank you.

Because you lack simple understanding of scaling, balancing, linear or non-linear progression.

From level 1 to 69 everything is oneshot anyways.

The problem is that it will cause 1 shots anyways, so who cares.

Passive aggression does not strengthen your arguments. In fact it makes you sound moronic. I am not saying you are a moron, I am saying that just because you ran out of arguments and start losing the debate, it will not help you to choose troll tactics. It will only harm your positions if you are trying to prove a point.

Yeah everything can be done with a snap of the finger in your world. They are just lazy.

Because outleveling and oneshotting mobs is a core part of any mmo.

The raid, pvp, and m+ logs show that these mods are the most popular, and not the world content of 18 years old mobs.

Which will still cause 1 shots. Or 2 shots if you are too bad.

You are actively protecting the idea, so you think it’s good.

One shots.

First, I never said the game should evolve around me. In fact when I say, “for me” I mean that it’s just my opinion only, which is contrary of me being egocentric. But your two-digit IQ won’t let you comprehend it, and I don’t blame you.

You “arguments” already did.


Oneshots. What you are saying is to work months to make oneshots into oneshots.

You didn’t ask for it - I simply said that you could.


When I was leveling, I didn’t oneshot anything.

Why do you care about this topic?

The lad who’s hiding behind a Classic alt?

Then you know how I see literally everyone of your posts thus far?

I’m not using troll tactics.

If you don’t see much of a difference between those 2 - then that is a you problem.

Now I am asking the second time already. Please show the percentage of the dungeons in which we can fly.
And also, like I said, troll tactics only weaken your arguments.

For low ilvls only. And with your 447 ilvl you gonna oneshot them anyways. I don’t know how many times I have to explain.

And caps do not help to strengthen your arguments either.

Cuz you are bad.

I don’t care about this topic, I am just opening this thread to continuously prove you wrong. Makes me happy.

Why would I care what a moron thinks about my posts?

You do.

I see troll tactics, I call them troll tactics. Simple as the abcs.

It doesn’t require any coding and development anymore because they already coded and developed that functionality. It is nothing new. It is called Party Sync. It already exists, but they only allow players to use it when playing with a low-level friend.

That feature does exactly what he asks, scale down the player level and gear to level 60 to not one-shot things. The feature is even better because allows you to REPLAY all the game quest chains. The only problem is that they only allow us to use it with another player or a second trial account.

Whilst it’s not something that would interest me, it does seem to come up regularly. It would seem the system already exists and just needa to be tweaked so people can activate it alone.

It can be done by some coding, which means spending time, which means not spending time on the future content. It’s not gonna happen with snap of a finger. Just because a system exists, it doesn’t mean applying to the current game is easy as fast.

If they don’t want to oneshot enemies, they can take off their gear and weapon.

Or go to a NPC in Stormwind or Orgrimmar and stop gaining experience at level suitable for the content they want to play.

It doesn’t make sense to have max level gear and find it challenging to kill mobs from 5-6 expansions ago. One cannot be strong and weak at the same time.

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Yeah, and outleveling and outpowering mobs is a core part of MMO. It’s fun. Recently I got exalted with Proudmoore Admiralty cuz I skipped bfa, and I am happy that it took me 3 minutes to finish all dailies with oneshots.

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And it’s like that in Classic where you outlevel mobs during the whole leveling not only when you reach certain level (60 in Dragonflight).

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And it was satisfying that all these mobs that you thought are very strong are now very weak. The gear and level progression makes sense.

I think it should be possible to level to 70 in older expansions. Not from the get-go, like for new players have to go through BfA, but if you have leveled 3 chars through Dragonflight Chromie will offer you the option to stay in older zones until 70.

I would like to have 2 modes: normal (now), hell (all mobs scale to your level, do double damage, and have double hp).

Hell’s rewards are x[1.5-2] times higher.

There are some quests where that isn’t enough. Even the foam sword doesn’t work and kills mobs.

Is there a list of such quests? Or at least what quests do you know that can’t be completed at 60+ level? So players can complete them before reaching 60.