Why would you want to kill the above?

Because he’s definitely a Sylvanas loyalist.

Because you’re a dirty, dirty traitor.

I loved you Frostbinder-…like a brother.

This is so sad, Alexa play ir_frozenthrone_07

“Why wouldn’t ya?”

Goblins are cool. Besides, the coolest goblins are the sappers and they kill themselves.

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Tyrande was slightly mean to them so they became representative of the evil faction. I really don’t need a reason.

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Gnome monks are a meme and can not be trusted.


Because you never reveal your true identity… :gun::male_detective:


why you ask?
why steal away the life of the poster above me?
the answer is simple.

you would think because I am a goblin that I would do it for money or because they are in the way of a new enterprise. That I would do away with them because they are a threat to my plans or because they are a potential rival, maybe because they are of a different faction or belief than me.
you would be wrong, the reason I aim to take their life, to take away that which can never be given back, the reason I am willing to make a mother cry and turn a wife into a widow, the reason I want to take away a childs parent is nothing complex.

the reason I want to kill the above is because I can, there is nothing personal in the deed, no feeling of satisfaction, no gain or fame.
I kill them because it is within my power to do so with fire and brimstone, nothing more and nothing less.


Because you robbed me, and now you and your friends are trying to catch me.


Because its a light-blinded scum.

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Because he’s a traitor to the Master.

Because he is a necromancer, for the Light and all

Because blue’s not in right now.

She’s a goblin. Somewhere, someone will want to pay good coin for her head.

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Alliance member!

Former Alliance member!

Scourge in 10 characters

HuMaN pOtEnTiAl ThAt CaNnOt hElP tHeIr AlLiEs :^)

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ElVeN CrYbAbY tHaT cAnT dEfeNd iTs TrEe aGaInSt a FeW sPoOpy BoIs
On the pyre with you.
Look at my tabard, it’s the new Darnassus one