Why would you want to kill the above?

Let me help you paint your gear scarlet red with your blood

Nothing good has ever come from death. Plague, famine, a horde of mindless zombies scouring the lands.

Dead things should remain. I would gladly put you back into the grave.

Because she withdrew her post.

Because he keeps trying to have me killed for his own fun.

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To cover my main man Nelox.

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Because it’s a tauren, and I like hamburgers.

Returning the favor to Tehya.

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Need to redo it cause I didn’t find the Phylactery

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Does it really needs an explanation?

We’ve got an unfinished business. And I bet Golden will have a great time clawing that cocky pandaren’s eyes out. - But first you, Hawk.

You’re a human, good enough reason.

Nobody touches MY Thyron.
His head his mine.
So is his hair.
So is his heart.

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Na-Na-Na touching the hair.

Eh, he probably stole my beard or insulted my beer.

Jealousy of his mighty beard.

Because he’s a furry.

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Because I have totally legitimate documents for his execution.


I don’t like rabid dogs.

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Played the ‘burgers’ reason on me twice. I can’t abide a lack of creativity.

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Did I? Oh dear, pardon me!

Lets try a new one then: Because you’re a death knight and don’t make enough bombs with your plagueness.