Gosh, who will spam whine threads on multiple characters now?
You’re also missing this.
All ability damage increased by 5%.
Developers’ notes: Empyrean Hammer’s damage output was higher than desired on the overall breakdown. We’re redistributing the power across the rest of the abilities.
I swear to God its like you only read half the patch note or just flat out ignored what they said so you could cry about it.
I haven’t seen these patch notes anywhere, can someone share a link?
To be honest the Hammer’s damage often being as much as double the next item in the list was a bit crazy. Though if they’re going to redistribute the damage, leaving it’s high 5 HP cost makes very little sense.
even if they will it doesnt compensate the loss in overal dmg, look man i have gladiator friends testing ret in PRT and their feedback is that its bad, now why dont you go gatekeep priest forums try to convince them to make priests even more op and leave paladins alone?
Taking all the facts into account the spec is getting gutted. (nerf to healing removal of pvp talents and more…) while at the same time other classes are getting buffed like DK’s and DH’s.
It is a nerf and ret will be RIP in s2 unless they give us back AoR the least.
its not a buff but a 2% nerf in overal dmg PRT guys made the calculations, this was intended for pve but applies to pvp as well…
dk hits easily 1.5 million frost strikes without applying a ton of modifiers like ret does in order for final verdict to hit for 800k max??? (its a joke)
for the healing part you didnt read this apparently PALADIN
Seal of the Crusader healing reduced by 50%.
Lightforged Blessing now heals 1% of health (was 2%).
And say goodbye to our pvp talents all viable options are removed. Aura of Reckoning(huge dps nerf in pvp), Luminesence even lawbringer was more useful that using bubble to reveal stealths…
if they dont change something soon the spec is garbage. now i have wasted enough time to warn you about this situtation and i am repeating my self again and again and you dont seem to understand, so you better go read extensively PTR notes most classes are getting buffed while ret is getting nerfed, our current state in 10.0.7 is that ret is not that good to beging with, we have the worst mobility of all classes we have the worst slow of all classes, we lack antihealing, our Divine Protection was nerfed by 10%(from 30% dmg reduction down to 20%) while hunters got 2nd stack of survival of the fittest and its increased by 10%(from 20% up to 30% dmg reduction)…making hunters much more tankier than paladins, yes we have immunities but they can be dispelled leaving us with nothing, our dmg is def not the best now imagine in 11.1 after all the other classes buffs and our ret nerfs how the spec will be. RET will be RIP for PvP in s2 and just a mediocore dps in PvE.
Ret gets nerfed constantly, because it always manages to do good DPS with their default ideas. Yet, excluding vanilla, Ret is usually a place where it will do most content.
If you like your paladin play it, if you don’t , don’t
Blizzard have just shown how clueless they are if i log in to season 2 and these changes go through im gone too they can develop A.I bots to play their crappy classes and be cannon fodder for all the others that have been buffed.
If they want to add useless talents to a specc so be it but dont go removing the ones that the players actually use while you are at it
Yeah agreed the pvp talents are a huge nerf on dmg alone and players have been testing numbers and our spenders will be doing even less dmg then they do now in s2 they are killing this specc in PVP