Why you can't play by the rules in 2024

Been greeding on Witching Hourglass for over a week as resto since it’s mainly a dps item. Now that I don’t need resto gear from heroics anymore I decided to start gearing my dps offspec. First thing that happens, healer steals Hourglass and leaves instantly.

Remember, in this game, do not treat others the way you want to be treated yourself, treat others the way others treat you. I will not consider MS > OS when pugging in LFD from now on.


Two words : Personal Loot.


Make your own groups, with your own rules. You expect randoms in LFD to follow “your” rules? Every item is up for grabs in LFD.

Stop whining.

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Oh trust me, I will not give a damn about anything related to decency and fairness going forward. And ignore all possible complaints thrown at me. Because that’s the status quo today it seems like.

Yeah, indeed. Some changes made to the game over the years made more sense than others. This is something that was needed, and seem to be today aswell.

It does feel a bit boring to see the boss drop nothing. But atleast you’re not having to battle an army of self-entitled jerks when something finally drops.

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This is highly unfortunate, but it’s RDF, after all.

It’s a doggy dog world, my guy.

I had a healer yoink an agi trinket, what can you do.

naaah man…

dogs know what is respect and discipline, these lobotomized ninjas don’t


Wuut? Show me those rules. Where are they written?

Really ? You’re dumb enough to have decency rules be written ?

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Is the Hourglass mainly DPS Trinket? It shows on effectively every healer’s BiS as an Alternative to Arch/Alchemy/Darkmoon Card/Valor if you don’t have those. Haste is a stat needed for all casters in the end

healer bis is kinda subjective still but yeah. Hourglass is a very strong trinket for healers, especially paladins.

It is listed on the hpala/priest pre-raid bis, yes. This one was not one of those classes though. As a healer main, I’d never take an item like this if a DPS needs it, since it’s way more impactful for caster DPS.

But I guess this is my bad, I probably should disregard usefulness in pugs and just grab whatever I can, however I can.

The hourglass is as much a healing trinket as it is a dps item, it procs off both kinds of spells. There’s nothing whatsoever wrong with any healer needing the item if it’s a mainspec upgrade. That’s not grabbing whatever, that’s upgrading the spec you’re playing with appropriate gear.

You cannot honestly expect someone in a pug to pass up an upgrade for their main spec for the supposed marginal greater benefit of a stranger.


Except I’d argue it’s definitely grabbing in this case.

If you have to know, this healer was a resto druid. That also happens to be my mainspec. Anyone who knows anything about healing druids knows that haste is one of your best stats - if hitting a breakpoint. Otherwise, any stat is more benifitial to you, mastery, crit, spirit etc.

There’s a reason why Hourglass is not even listed for resto druids, because the proc is not very desirable. You can literally get better suited trinkets from questing.

Hourglass is miles better for any caster DPS, that doesn’t just use it as a suboptimal intellect stat stick.

None of us know anything about this resto druid, it might be a casual player or an alt so I certainly wouldn’t expect them to know anything about haste breakpoints. It might have been someone freshly levelled and even with haste breakpoints it was still a strong upgrade with the passive intellect.

Even if it’s not pre-bis it’s still a viable trinket the player is entitled to roll on.

Hourglass is listed as the second non epic BiS trinket at wowtbc.gg. Wowhead ignores it but they honestly put way too much emphasis on epics even if only one is realistically obtainable. Which means outside of Alchemy Stone it’s one of the three most available things unless you had loads of cash to buy out Darkmoon Card. And unless the player is strictly competitive you can’t expect them to know every single stat breakpoint.

Happened to me too on my rogue alt. Probably the same dude.

PS, its dog-eat-dog world!

yeah, people rolling need on spirit items as MAGE, fk nom i’m gonna roll need on every single caster item as resto druid =) Had enough of guys saying “yo i need spirit for hit” being SP with 1k+ spirit already. if you can need - you can need and no one to blame you.

as for personal loot - yes, I agree, the best system.

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