Why you heff to be mad

What was the point saying this to me? He just wanted to inform me, so I don’t q for his dungeon or what?

[EDITED BY BLIZZARD: No calling out other players, please; not even obscuring the name. Report all harassment via the in-game methods to that effect]

I just want to remind some of you guys. It is only game, don’t be mad. You free to invite anyone you want, just don’t be like this highly tolerant player.
I didn’t spam q or said anything to him.


Immature party leader, immature response.

Report and move on.


I would, I would if that was the first encounter. Kinda getting tiresome.

Why did you censor the player’s name when we can see it in the name of the tab?

I think it was a mistake, honest… :wink:


A guy decides to exclude an entire country of players because of negative experiences with some of them. I’d call him childish, just report and move on.

I’ve seen a quite good Russian tank just the other day, or before that.

But then again, I don’t much care where one comes from, more like care what the person in question did before (M+ score) and then does during the key.

Everyone does mistakes, and has a good moment or two from time to time. :slightly_smiling_face:

1000% that character is horde and a blood elf female -
edit i googled it its not. i am shocked

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since almost every media outlet in usa occuppied countries is 24/7 spewing rusophobic and sinophobic news it is expected young impressionable humans will absorb those views. im sry bros

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Irrelevant as there are no USA occupied country in Europe, and Sweden is definitely not one, there aren’t even any US military bases there like in Estonia for instance (and Estonia wants them to be there).

vassalage doesnt require military installations

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Clearly you have never lived in an actual occupied / vassal country or you wouldn’t write such idiocy.

I don’t notice any difference between russian players and others except from English proficiency. Which can be a bother sometimes.

But I have gotten a few times hate for being russian even when I’m not, just because of my character name.

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