Na forums are more popular and have less toxic people like you
Does it make sense? No. even with 70% slow I can’t reach druids, mages, DHs or others while I could also reach discs or locks with a 30% slow
Can’t remember writing that, you can post the screenshot if you want. Why would I think that I’m popular? I’m actually just trying to chill while some people seem to care so much about me/other players it makes me think that they have an obsession
dno your friend seemed to be pretty obsessed with me for no reason but I surely never cared about him
He must be on a whole nother level in terms of stupidity given the stuff he writes
What else? The damage that is less than healers and half of DHs ?
Ye more popular So you ask them about R1 range on eu? Makes sense.
If you had best slow and rly good mobility at same time wouldnt that be too op? Also dont you have some stuff that you can use on x range not just on melee? We both want balanced game right.
I agree with my friend on everything he wrote on your screenshot. But he doesnt care about you, your posts are just top biased etc. To be ignored. So it simply makes him to respond. It doesnt make him obsessed.
Necrotic is op, 70% slow, decent dmg, survivality, 2 interrupts, dot idk overall its pretty aids class
Btw dh dmg is easily outhealable, without mana burn they would be trash.
Of course we do, that’s why they should revert the class design to MoP, Cata or Wotlk and remove pve gear. I’d even take S15 where DK was rather weak but you were still able to beat worse players
I mean he literally said that meeles benefit more from caster trinkets than casters when casters get +400 intellect in addition to the procs, then he proceeded to say that casters don’t even use the trinket while wearing it himself.
Most classes are aids, and if you ever have to face a DH or Destro+Resto druid in 2v2 with a braindead druid that does damage 24/7 without getting punished as a DK you’d know how I feel.