[Wild Growth realm] There is just not enough Horde: Could Blizz fix this, pretty please?


Not just to whine, wanted to know your take on this:

I have chars on WG realm, both for horde and alliance.
Alliance: lots of ppl, LFG chat is always full of life and there are items for all lvls on AH: e.g. reagents for all professions, starting from Copper ore.
Horde: Sometimes LFG chat is just empty, it is almost impossible to find groups for 18-40lvl dungeons and overall it just feels empty.

I thought it wouldn’t be much of an issue for Blizz to fix, do you know why is hasn’t been addressed? (or maybe you think there is no issue at all?)

I guess there are some underground Discord Horde communities for max lvl raids, but on the surface it looks grim.

Please let me know what you think.
Thank you!

Horde have the giant PvP realms as the “All horde go here”

Alliance has wild growth for that

That is hardly the case, check some server pop data and you’ll see the giant PvP realm is fairly balanced pop wise. It’s nowhere near the level of discrepancy WG, for example, is experiencing.

With the recent changes to rune acquisition things have actually gotten worse as quite a few horde WG players chickened out and re-rolled.

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What fix did you have in mind? They made 2 mega servers, one for PvE and another one for PvP. I don’t see what else they can do.

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It is not Blizzard fault, because players chose Ally. who go ally want to be pve. now all horde want to pvp so obviously you will find more horde at the pvp realms. blizzard can’t do nothing to force player go horde. sadly for you it is what it is for low lvl. give a go see how it is at higher lvl 55+ i bet they have runs. i see plenty on horde camping bwl,ubrs,lbrs doing strata or scholomance. same for MC. but i understand your frustration. one idea is to remove the faction que so they can let horde and ally participate on Raids and Dungeon, that would solve the problem of unbalance players on one side and give a chance to other side to have a good time enjoying the game.

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Thank you everyone for the reply.

Honestly, i thought that some minor adjustments could improve situation a lot. for instance:

  1. Combine AH for both factions
  2. Free char transfer Wild Growth < - > Living Flame

Hopefully not too hard to implement for Blizz.

  • what Alexzor offered.

You can’t have it go both ways or everyone(or just about) that is now on WG horde will instantly jump to LF. Then you will make issues for Living Flame as the faction balance will be out of whack and the server will be even more ridiculous in size.

The real solution would be to implement War Mode to SoD realms and do away with the antiquated and troublesome PvE/PvP realm designation.

Only then you can open transfers from LF to WG. Those who will want PvP in the open world will be free do so by enabling War Mode in an inn/city and go have at it.

I know some people will react to this War Mode suggestion as if I’m speaking demonic curses but if you honestly take the time and think about it, it’s the only way.

Not everything that is on the live version of the game is terrible. Nothing is stopping us from picking the good things and implementing them in SoD.


Faction balance is a good thing on all pvp realms

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Most of SoD population is held hostage on PvP realms. Just open transfers from PvP to PvE and suddenly the 2 problems will solve themselves

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but is it realistic to expect a transfer?
has there been a time when Blizz did that?

Nope, if you wanna change to a pvp server reroll is your only option

it is not that.
The point was that there is not enough Horde players for a comfortable play (imho ofc). Like, how you sometimes can’t find low-lvl ores/cloth on AH, while there are lots of them on Alliance side. At least this is my experience so far, as anew player.
→ Horde PvE players have no choice but to play on almost dead WG server.
So i though this could be addressed by Blizz, hopefuly.

Since SoD is clearly meant to be a testing ground, just to have fun: blizz may as well give players cross-faction LFG+AH or smth similar.

I would really like to see that. But I imagine it feels too Retail to allow it