In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Wildhammer in 2004-2006.
For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.
Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.
To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.
Good luck finding your former mates!
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Craig (Shift/Fallenshift) and Alex (Shadowulf/Lardman) looking here for some old friends from The Gamer’s Guild. Some names that we remember include Rancidrot, Sunpoppy, Undeadavakari, Forced and Nexde. We’d love to catch up with any of you and see where life has taken you in the last few years!
And an additional shoutout to Eleutherach, just in case my old best friend from school might be reading this =)
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Hey Klurg (Ross) here. I was the tank the Gamer’s guild. I of course remember pretty much all the names here. I’ll be playing classic wow for sure. Not heard anything from anyone else in Gamer’s guild for years.
Hey dude, great to see you again, Alex and I kind of remember playing some with you all those years ago! If you wanna add me to friends for classic, my battlenet tag is Faze#2745 or my discord is fallenoaks#1886 . It’d be sweet if we could get some of the ol’ band back together 
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Everytime I login to these forums it changes my character to a new random one, but fallenoak/sprinkly/fallenshift, all belong to me.
Few more names Alex and I remember are Neephy, Krahiz and Pallies from TGG. As I mentioned below, my battlenet tag is Faze#2745 and my discord is fallenoaks#1886 - throw me an add!
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I was mostly known as Speakandkill, Undead Warlock.
The most memorable guild (that unfortunately disbanded) I remember was Emberstorm (with offbranch Emberraid). If anyone from this lovely guild is out there would love to meet you guys again. Unfortunately memory isn’t my strong suit, so after all these years can’t remember any name properly 
Afterwards went with Herbalism Ruined My Life, until I quit after Cataclysm.
Made Lightbringer my new realm home since I’ve returned for BFA. Can reach me on BNet Lithirius#2556
Ross! Hey dude…
I was in TGG … Trusted Friends …
Remember a few names
Many more people but was many years ago
Should be back for classic!
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Hey dude!! Great to hear from you again. Theres a whole bunch of us back and ready to go.
We are going to be playing on Gehennas (PvP)
My battle net id is Bloke#2746 message me for info on discord etc
Great to hear from people from The Gamers Guild, I wasn’t looking forward to classic until Klurg said people were coming back
- Rancidrot
Used to play here in a guild called “Unleashed” as a Tauren Shaman named “Eneass”.
Any people coming to classic?
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Hey Eneass. I used to play in Unieashed <— see what I did there… I am Rancidrot/Thoramir. I was an undead warrior that was in the guild from Vanilla onwards. Those that played in Unleashed, The Gamers Guild and Trusted friends are grouping up on Gehennas PvP server. We have a discord you are welcome to join!
Mation, we have a discord if you wish to join bud!
While I was mostly Alliance as Fayeria. I also played a Shaman called Mikai on Horde. Believe the last guild I was in before I left horde was Sect or something close . Been too long
Still trying to decide what server and class I am going. Still looking for people to play with at the moment
You are more than welcome to join us if you wish. We are playing Gehennas PvP and going horde. msg me at Bloke#2746 and i’ll give you our discord info.