Will 10.2 be the return of Elementalist build in PvP?

With the upcoming changes to Elemental Assault and Tier Set, do you think Elementalist could become a viable pick for PvP ?

Yes. Tested it on PTR. It does much more dmg than SS build. Lot of sustain. The problem of LL build was pretty much that you dont generate enough maelstrom to offheal. But in 10.2 you generate so much msw with LL its crazy. And with tier set Pwave is pretty much 20s cd. So you have like a burst every 20s.

I don’t think so. I believe that literally the only thing that will change is that you’d swap 1 point in Magma Chamber into Elemental Equilibrium. The set is still Lava Burst oriented so you are kinda forced to go the same thing. With stacking Versa and Haste. Elemental is lucky though because it has no weak stat. Versa and Haste are the best but Mastery and Crit are also very good.

Wait. I just realized you’re talking about Enha lul. Isn’t that Saul played Mastery and elementalist build later this season.

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