Will blizzard Update the graphics old Classic sets? Pilav even thinks Sets looks outdated

Here’s an idea for an transmoger and set farmers not me but others maybe are. I were watching Pilavs stream yesterday and he were pointing our the sets and weapons looks low resolution and outdated when you transmog anything from old expansions 2005 - 2011.

Will you Update the graphics old Classic wow sets and Tbc and warth? so they feel refreshed?

After all you updated the char models to fix 2020 But the gear looks rather dull and outdated.

(For example Grand marshal t2 t1 etc list goes on t10 (t8 for plate)

Just a friendly question blizzard.

So they did some Tier sets during legion which were pretty much modern renditions of old sets. I think that’s the best you are gonna get.

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Would love for them to do it but odds of them doing it is practically zero.
Sadly… :I

one can hope atlest

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They have answered this question before, and the answer was no. They might make new version of old gear. Like they did with the Tomb of Sargeras gear. But they don’t want to mess with old gear and mounts.

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