Will Classic survive the release of TBC Classic?

Hey guys, rly enjoying Classic rn but at least on my realm I havent see a single guild or a player that want to stay on Classic. So I wonder if it will be worth to purchase the copy if there will be dead realms since we arent even allowed to re-select our realm after the char copy. Any guesses on this?

My gut tells me there are going to be enough people in forever classic to fill a realm or two, but for how long, no one knows really.

Imo still the better way to go would be seasonal classic servers, just keep pumping new fresh realms every 1½-2y.


Classic will turn into a graveyard, servers will have to be merged. It’s not like they are doing fresh seasonal runs of Classic where people come back to play, it’s all played out for most who were interested.

considering classic is the better game i’d say once the initial hype train for tbc falls off the servers will be more than fine. might be a bit rough in the start though i’ll admit.


Considering the rate at which Blizzard are introducing wotlk changes to TBC classic it may very well survive “TBC classic”.

Classic has no replayability tbc is superior in everyway nobody is coming back to classic.


Classic servers will pretty much die out, especially since cloning characters costs money.

As other people have said, you’d likely have enough people staying on classic to fill maybe 1-2 realms.
But if they’re all spread across every classic realm… well, that’ll be a problem ;p

I believe Blizzard have already stated that they will consider merging the classic era servers if their populations turns out to be too low. We have already started seeing them prepare for that by adding the server names to whispers and mail autofill.

Classic servers will be dead a few weeks after launch. Blizzard should have opened fresh classic servers on release of TBC. I wanted to stay in classic, but I’ll be moving to TBC because you’ll struggle to find a group for any content below 60 and it won’t take long for raiders to stop logging in once they’ve cleared their current raids.

The vanilla private server scene has existed since TBC so I really wouldn’t worry about it suddenly going way after TBC classic launches because the market for Vanilla players is very very strong.

Difference is that private servers were one big server as opposed to Blizzard’s classic servers :slight_smile:
Unless they merge the realms, people are right to be worried.

Vanilla server’s were one big server yea but my point was that there is a clearly a die hard market for vanilla so Classic won’t die.

Again. Blizzard have already said they will consider merging them if necessary, and they have started preparing the game/servers for it. Blizzard not being willing to merge the servers should be the least of the worries of anyone considering to continue on classic era servers. I would worry significantly more about possible changes noone have asked for.

Classic will get a skeleton crew because the majority of players will be in TBC so if you’re expecting changes to classic during TBC I think you are mistaken.

Classic have had a skeleton crew since release. We have still recieved changes, including some that noone asked for.

Classic has no replayability? Then why do people still run MC in p6? And how is does tbc have more replay value? I mean maybe if your an arena junkie. I don’t really care for the pvp minigame in wow but gratz if you do. I like the mmo experience and classic delivers this the best as far as I know, especially without a paid level boost service that tbc and future re-releases will have.

People still run MC because thunderfury is still best tank weapon for naxx it’s the only reason mains run it or people run their alts for starter gear.

Outside of repeating the 4x40 raids zg,aq 20 what else is there to do? is there a reason to run 5 man dungeons outside of your attunement? the answer is no as u can just run MC or zg and get better gear.

What do players do when they are full T3 apart making money which is pointless with the amount of botted gold all your left with bgs. You can only one shot so many players in a bg before it gets boring on top of that you will be waiting a long time to enter a match as the playerbase will be much smaller after TBC releases this will get boring fast.

As I said classic has no replayability especially the case when u have naxx gear.

Now let’s compare this with tbc shall we

Dungeons has reputation grinds to unlock heroics which has gear that is actually relevant and they drop badges of justice which can be used for more gear or if your geared you can get gems,nethers etc there is always reasons to run them good replayability.

Raids have more tactics than in classic and are more gated with attunements so you have to progress through all the content there is also no worldbuffs so content can’t get cheesed the same way classic can so there will be more progression eventually people will get geared and stop raiding but this will take far longer.

Now your left with PvP bgs is not a grind fest for gear there should be less premading due to no ranking in battlegrounds then you have arena for serious PvP players there is more replayability as its seasoned and it is a challenge to climb.resilience makes PvP last longer than 2 seconds.

Professions mean more in tbc things like blacksmithing, leatherworking,tailoring are relevent and some items can take a while to farm it’s something people can do outside of raiding same cannot be said for classic there is engineering and alchemy the rest are pretty useless as long as one member has enchanting that’s all you need.

There are also daily quests in tbc there is nothing to do in classic after the main quests are complete.

On top of all this you can still run classic raids for collecting legacy gear if your into that sort of thing.

thanks for all the answers!

playing a game which has seen 17 years of continuous play and making this statement to other dudes who play the game as well is funny^^

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too long didnt read but enjoy the flying mounts, the arena minigame and the space cows I guess. I mean I’ll play tbc too but i’m not gonna pretend like its the better game. every expansion after classic made the game worse in some ways. tbc is not excluded from this.

@Arcanâ: I actually speculated on this a lit bit back. I assume EU realms will retain a maximum peak of somewhere between 20 000 and 50 000 online. Naturally, such number is not sufficient to keep all existing realms busy, but there is this…

@Richdude: I wish I could recall where and when I saw / heard something on this, but I think you are at least approximately correct. Very difficult to tell whether they will pick merges, connections, FCMs or some combination of two of those, but there is indeed a very high propability that some sort of changes are coming to realm structures. There is also the question of whether specific supported language / realm type combinations are viable after TBCC becomes active. English realms are likely to retain all four, but what happens to the others is rather interesting.

@All: Because a single account can hold up to 50 characters (and some of us actually have (close to) that), I currently assume the minimum possible number of Classic realms is five. If the reduction were to be that hard, it would probably mean that remaining realms would be as follows:

PvE: One, Pyrewood Village or Mirage Raceway, with the latter more likely in my opinion.
PvP: Two picks, most likely whichever has most active alliance remaining after the split and one of the big horde realms, currently most probably Gehennas.
RP: One, Hydraxian Waterlords.
RP-PvP: One, Zandalar Tribe.

However, if I did not miscalculate, it would be better if at least around 7 to 10 realms remained. Specifically, I would prefer to preserve at least Everlook and Venoxis from the German ones, Auberdine and one of three PvP ones from the French ones and if it remains viable after the split, Mandokir for the Spanish speakers. I think those picks would cause the least amount of overall disruption, IF the total numbers go down hard.

But I am just speculating at this point. I am still hoping that Blizzard would be more pro-active in terms of communication of future plans. really deep sigh

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