Will cross-Realm Mythic raiding be available from start?

Many people, including myself, were under the impression cross realm & faction Mythic raiding would be available from day 1 when raids are released, but now I hear some streamers mentioning that Mythic raiding will only be cross-faction, but not cross-realm?

I leveled and geared up with my friends on another server, while promising my guild I would raid with them when Dragonflight raids open. Do I need to start looking for a new guild because I can’t afford to server change?

Cross realm no, cross faction yes.

Any source for that?
I need to see black on white before I start looking for a new guild.

There have been no announcements to change the system for cross realm raiding for Mythic.

There has been an announcement to say cross faction (on same realm) Mythic will be possible.

You will be able to raid Normal and Heroic with cross realm.

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