Will Frost and Blood be viable for Heroic Raids and Mythic+ in 9,1?

for blood buffed DRW leggy will be great in 9.0.5, it will even rival the raid ones

for frost RW one m+ and obliterate for singletarget, for now

frost is borderline viable, yoiu have to perform good else you gonna drop like a stone and im not even talking about BoS build. BEsides that the substain damage is realy low until you have pillar ready again. so yes it needs some buffs or changes

And Unholy sustained damage isn’t garbage without Dark Transformation? Both specs are extremely reliant on their 1 minute cooldowns to do anything.

Besides, “performing good” on frost, just like for every other melee spec in the game, means staying in melee range, not capping resources and using cooldowns. It’s the 2nd most simple melee DPS spec right after DH. You’re not playing an outlaw rogue that has to spin 3 dishes while tapdancing in a minefield when it comes to execution.

actualy feels like an outlaw rogue and no unholy substain damage is better then frosts

I don’t think we’re playing the same game (or you clearly haven’t played outlaw in a while).

since the Dk is my alt i dont care to be the best in everything. Frost is way more fun than Unholy. which lego should i craft?

Frost 2h seems okayish for my first week i got 90 parses in hc and thats just trolling around with meh gear 213 ilevel. Maybe 90 parses because no one plays the spec lol but i beat mages and boomkins st so its nlt that bad.

The issue with frost is if it has to move during its cds its gonna plummet to bottom dps… unholy doesnt really have this issue or any other class as bad as frost does.

2h frost is also pretty fun to play. I havent actually tried to parse with any of my classes this exp and only have recorded ones that other people logged but frost could end up one of the best dps specs later on.

M+ it has crazy aoe and insane burst for bosses. Not as bursty as unholy but more sustained.

Bos dw build is also fun and sims around the same for me with weaker weapons but is even more of a flop if you have to move. If you dont get value when you press bos your dps just tanks but if you do its yikes good.

So yeah its an rng class… with 2 legos it gives us more bos sustain so scales really well.

While warrior is just face bash keyboard and you do damage it too scales really well specially with weapons half of frosts damage is its dot which is afk damage.

Everyones dps will jump up with more legos ofc so we will have to see. I think unholy has 2 that scale really well also

Frost dks scale very good, hopefully they will be

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i think the best they can do delete dks the comunity is kinda dead every body dislike the way dks are.

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