Will it be worth maining DH in Shadowlands?

I personally love DH.It is great for climbing stuff!So yea will definitelly be my main as it is for the last 2 expansions.The mobility is great.


Well vengeance dh just got havoc treatment and nerfed to the ground


Yep, I saw. There goes my wish to play DH in any way, shape or form. I’ll still give it a try because mobility is still insane, but if it doesn’t do well in open world content I’m done.

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both havoc and vengeance are looking good to me as for the nerfs to veng it’s just a matter of tuning I wouldn’t be surprised if the aforementioned spec sees some buffs in the next update.

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Damn dude, well spoken

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I hate people who ask for nerfs for other classes instead of improvements for theirs. When you go to talk to your boss, do you also ask him to lower the salary of your colleagues or raise it to you? whiners


I don’t understand why everyone says dh is more mobile class than others, for example dh have 2 fell rushes and vengeful retrieve whit 1 min coldown but monks on the other hand have 2 rolls flying serpent kick and teleport and if they pick void ellf have another whit 3 min cd
Baseline whe are more like warriors whit 2 charges spectet and heroic leap
And the thing that define us is the doble jump and glide


Don’t play Havoc on my DH so to me the class is only getting buffed :slight_smile: Going to swap from prot warr to this in SL. And btw, I’ve played fury quite a bit and don’t understand the hate DHs get? Fury has the most braindead rotation I’ve ever tried…

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I’d say yea if you like the theme of the class, don’t just play because it’s FotM.

I don’t play PvP with it and I’m good. PvE is cool even when you take the nerfs into account. Annoying ? Yes, but no biggie.

Actually this is not true, a monk can have much better mobility than our fel rush x2 + vengeful retreat.


Yeah I wanna see them use any of those while in the air.

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That’s the only advantage of DH which leads to glide (and it can be done faster with goblin gliders).

In an even field or in arenas a monk will have better mobility overall (mainly due to the talent that can remove both snares and roots).

It only takes a snare to make Fel Rush useless, let alone a root.


Considering I don’t give a damn about PvP, that doesn’t bother me much. Being able to explore open world zones easily when you can’t fly though? That’s priceless.

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It’s like playing Super Mario, I know !

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That’s why I main a monk. I also feel stronger playing a monk in 1v1 than playing a DH as I value a no cd castable heal over a 30% leech in Meta. But by all means nerf those havoc DH pvp gods. :smiley:

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Meta can also be used as mobility and mastery increases speed.

damn… reading all these comments and im still stuck.
I mained my rogue during the entire BFA expansion and im 50/50 on if i want to main demon hunter for SL and have rogue as my alt. I only started playing wow in 8.1 and i have pretty much tried out all classes and these were the only 2 that has stuck out to me. Just sucks that they are both Leather beings i love transmogs so much haha.

Reasons why i want to pick my rogue over DH -
Sub Rogue is in a really good spot and i enjoy the class alot, have most of my achievements and stuff on it and it kinda leans me towards my rogue knowing DH is in a bad spot or supossidly is in a bad spot. Dont really know much about the shadowlands systems so im not sure if i will get punished for playing havoc and then switching to vengeance when i want to tank (this puts me off the class not knowing this also)

Reasons why i want to pick my alt DH over Rogue -
Love the mobilty i get from the class, warglaives to me look awesome its ashame i wasnt here for the mage tower artifact appearance. class just looks cool to me in general and it feels extremely satisfying to play when using eye beam and blade dance on multiple mobs, Also gets a tank spec which i like doing on the occasion as my rogue doesnt.

But yeah i find both classes really fun to play to be honest its just a matter of finding which one to play and thats whats driving me nuts right now… if anyone can kinda help it would be appreciated (info on switching specs in SL if it effects anything etc etc)

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Id say no, they overnerfed it and it impacts the gameplay in a negative way


Just play whatever feels better for you. There’s no wrong answer

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I will see how havoc is at max level. If it’s viable then I could see myself coming back to it but for now, I’ll be switching to a more reliable dps class to main on - probably a Hunter or mage as I’ve never mained these classes before and many of the streamers point to them as relatively safe picks.

I think for tanking it’ll still be fine- if I was a main vengeance DH I would probably be sticking with the class.

Hopefully they can find the right balance for havoc, I think some nerfs as justified and needed however it feels like they have just gone a bit overboard.

if you dont do mytic +15 and high end raiding just play what you prefer.

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