Will mage be able to solo better?

I am a returning player and wish to complete some of the older content to experience the things I missed. I was a mage player when I played last time, and I had difficulties doing some of the older raids because Mage didn’t seem to have a lot of survivability.

So I was wondering if anything changed with the war within changes?

They obviously still take a lot of damage as they are cloth users… They didn’t have any self-heal, and some bosses were hard to kite to avoid dying.

Does anything in the new expansion seem to have given mages a better advantage in solo’ing older content?

From research it seems to be the same.:thinking:

Legacy raids are doable though you may struggle a bit with some mechanics but there are plenty guides that can help out for all classes. SL raids is a struggle for some classes to solo depending on the difficulty, but once the TWW launches they may set these raids to legacy too and you should be fine as a mage.

I am doing just fine up to BFA Mythic raids on my Fire Mage with exception to some mechanics that takes a bit of practice and timing. So you should be good for now.

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