A good while back while the sun was still high in the sky in the afternoon , I was alone in my flat reading the wow forum and read about players being banned for using funky keyboards and last Wednesday I got this keyboard as a gift for christmas and before I log in with I just want to know am I am safe doing so. I am not very tech savy and have tried finding stuff about it online but it’s just peoople unboxing them. Anyways it’s Black shark six gill K2.
On first sight it’s a RGB keyboard, I myself use one of these as my laptop keyboard keys got busted and replacing them individually or whole is a nono.
What is the actual problem is macroing a keyboard - this can already happen on a regular one but can also be done with pre-built in ones like the Razer ones.
Because they enable impossible actions or without human input e.g. you press X1 and then step away from the PC for a cup of tea and come back and your warrior finally dunks the last guy in the arena by himself in the hoop then you got a problem. As that is automatic unfair play.
So I should not use it to play wow? I don’t really do any competitive stuff. This account is from 2007 and if I lost I would be gutted. Thanks for replying.
Also I dont use macro except for emotes.
You can safely use it to play WoW, just don’t modify the keyboard to include illegal hardware macros.
No definitely not. I wouldn’t even know how to do that. Thanks Saneko and may you have a happy new year. Marked as solved.
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