Will sylvanas find the blightcaller in the maw?

What do you think?

Will sylvanas find the blightcaller in the maw?

He will get upset and angry with her choices that while she got freed from undeath, he got stucked in the maw for her.

I think Sylvanas will eventually find him. Then there will be some reconciliation between the two after which, at one point both will finally discover the true intention/face of The Primus, if this theory proves to be cannon: https://www.wowhead.com/news/what-if-zovaal-isnt-the-true-jailer-shadowlands-lore-speculation-326318

She is still just as undead as she ever was and doing pretty much precisely what she set out to do, after having her grievances with the overarching system addressed.

The soul wholeness nonsense was kind of superfluous, in the grand scheme of things. So i wouldn’t expect Blightcaller to care much.

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