Will there ever be a bcon?

people acting like covid is over are probably the reason why the numbers of infected are rising again… :frowning:


that and vaccine success in some countries… i cant tell you the number of people i seen over the last year…

who think taking a vaccine means

  1. they cant catch the virus
    2)they cant spread the virus…

you can even tell them they got it wrong but they insist they are right.

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Good to know you’re OK.

What about the people who still don’t know if they’re the 1% who will die?

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if its any reassurance i didn’t know either.

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Yeah, the latest studies are showing it’s the countries with the highest percentage of population vaccinated that currently have the highest infection, hospitalisation and death rates… probably because people think they can’t catch or spread it once they’re vaccinated.


There’s nothing strange about that. If 100% of the population is vaccinated, the only people who’ll get infected/hospitalized/die would be vaccinated obviously.


one thing i will say and it probably made the biggest difference for both me and my dad in the recovery which they dont say enough on t.v and media is this…

my dad caught it the same time as me … i recovered pretty quickly but my dad was bed ridden…

i sat down and contemplated what i did differently to him and why i recovered and he was struggling…

then it dawned on me… i was washing my bed sheets regularly during infection…

my dad wasent he was bed ridden and laying in infected sheets.

once i started changing his sheet for him he started making a full recovery.

he did have a bad week which i didnt have and i think it was 100% because of the sheets…

make sure to wash your sheets people.


You need to read what I wrote again. Countries with 80% of the population vaccinated have higher infection, hospitalisation and death rates than countries with only 10% of the the population vaccinated.


I wish I could like my own comments. Damn daddy, that’s some nice bacon action right there.

You can if you change to an alt.

I know. But every time I do I feel so cheap doing it

Did you like the bacon action?

But you know now. Easy to get complacent when it can’t hurt you :slight_smile:

Nope. They gonna stop working on wow at all soon. I mean they already do nothing anyway.

I haven’t. I also haven’t changed my lifestyle at all during the pandemic. I think it’s a big meme. :yawning_face:

I’ve been disappointed so far. Was hoping for more anti gov festivals in my country. :confused:
I blame the weather.

This has to be the dumbest comment [chain] about Covid I’ve read in here.

It’s like saying “I caught the Flu once, I won’t catch it again”

Each time it bounces from people to people, even if you had vaccination for it, it gives it an opportunity to mutate. THIS is why you get a new strain of the Flu every year.

Caught it and you’re done? I wish it worked like that.


So far I have remained free of it and my family have as well. If my parents get that then it will be a very frightening time. I live in N Ireland ATM. The rates here are getting worse and worse. This place is quite rural so I cant understand why it is so rampant still.

I work in healthcare, and am vaccinated. But I remain careful. I live in a tiny place with only a few people living here, so the chances are likely less that in more densely populated areas.

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