Will there ever be a bcon?

The global Pandemic is gone its time to get back to a normal life.

Covid infection rates smile and say “aww bless…”


who here hasent had covid already by now though.

im guessing only the extreme isolating types who are afraid to step outside because of it havent.


And I’ve no wish to catch it either thank you very much.


most likely will eventually … one day somewhen… its just the way viruses work.

i caught it about 6 months ago myself.

And no, Im not a particular shielding extremist afraid to go outside, I just dont want to be infected by selfish people who have no idea how viruses work and take no precautions.

Or watch or read one too many… “facts”…on their favourite medium of validation for why you should just ignore medical advice from professionals because what do they know…

Blizzcon and then the pub after and then s nightclub!!! cough cough cough. Oh you’ll be fine, IM INVINCIBLE!!!..


i dont know how i got infected personally… i think it was most likely during shopping at a supermarket.

if ur in good health which i hope you are you should in theory be fine high probablity anyway so dont worry urself too much about it.

was no worse than the common cold for me.

i still got double vaccinated afterwards though… im not stupid and ignorant… just the media like to fear monger more than they should.

Work from home has been a huge blessing for a nerd like me. The only reason to go outside is to buy cigarettes and beer, and it’s just 5 meters from the entrance…


Hahaha man i like that

ah i dont work from home… i work in a industry with over 400 other people with no social distancing.

I got it twice and iam vaccinated so iam chillin

I mean at some point all of us will get it. It has become more or less like the flu - each year there will be a new mutation.

pretty much this isnt it … once u caught it and got the vaccines whats the point in worrying anymore…

u survived it… may as well enjoy life now.

obviously i mean within reason i dont mean go and hug every stranger you see lol…

unless they want a hug ofc…



They’re not cancelling blizzcon because of covid, they have nothing across all their titles to announce.
We’re in WoD 2.0 without a legion 2.0 to back it up.

Most blizzard games are either in maintenance mode or completely dead, most likely there will never be another one.

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Probably not, but it has nothing to do with the virus. Blizzard doesn’t want to interact and communicate with the fans anymore, and are way too afraid of criticism. Also since most of the veterans left (is there anyone left other than Ion?) the new “developers” hired from Twitter have huge disdain to their fans anyway and don’t want anything to do with them.


that is natural for people who hang about on twitter though isn’t it …

or so i heard.

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I’ve not had it. And I’m certainly not isolated, been working full time the entire pandemic.


you are one of the lucky or unlucky ones then depending on which perspective u want to look at it from.

for me i am kind of grateful i already caught it, it took a lot of the hype surrounding it away when i recovered.

was a little concerned in the beginning maybe when i first caught it … but honestly and real honesty here im a lil self destructive anyway so i wasent too upset.

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